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Jump no kick?

Jah Warrior

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Hello there bredrens,


Is anyone out there able to give me an answer to this question?


Can I enable force jump serverside without kick?


It would allow me to use the entire map without having to deal with kick lamers.


I suspect this may require some clever fellow to write a mod to do this but if there is a server side command i'd love to know it.


Thanks for reading,


Peace to you all.



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how about this: http://www.nitemares.de/philes/test0r.zip

u can adjust the most damage values and kickdamage ofcourse...

besides that u can also adjust the chance to knock down by kicks. so kicking is not an option anymore to any lamer, i've tried it and it works for 2 weeks now with great succes.

check out the multiple private duels now possible in ffa games.

can be fun...

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