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Start server with RCON?

Jah Warrior

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Hello again,


I am just getting to grips with using rcon and have managed to findout how to shutdown server remotely, however is there a way that i can re-activate it in a similar way to the killserver command?


Is it possible?


If so please do tell:D


Peace to you ALL



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Are you trying to shutdown and restart the server directly--say, after installing a new map? Or are you trying to shut down the server for a period of time and then restart it later? If the former, then you could set up an auto-restart script and then killing the server using "quit" would cause it to be restarted immediately. If the later, I don't know of any way you could do that via rcon, since if the server isn't running...you can't connect to it via rcon. ;) Some other options exist depending on what OS you're using to run the server.

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Erms sorry dude,


Didnt realise that you would need more info,


its running on a windows platform. the reason i ask is because the server console is still running except that the game itself is shut down so it looks like it wouldnt be that hard to restart after a couple of hours.


I dunno, hell i can't even explain what i mean anymore. hehehe



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