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I think I need a vacation...


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I just realized, at this moment, there are 5299 posts in this forum and 1061 of them are by me (I have about 4 post in other areas on this site). That's 20%! Along that same line, I think any forum regular would agree that I don't post spam either. I reply to questions and, very occasionally, make general comments. I really hadn't been paying that much attention to it.


On another note, I'm getting ready to start hosting a Neverwinter Nights server--as soon as Bioware releases the damn linux binaries. When that happens, I'm sure I won't be around quite as much. But it looks like most of the questions for which there are answers are out there and when I was in Vegas for a few days, other admins stepped up and handled the flow.

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gotta say half the servers out there probably wouldnt be running without your help, so thanks for the answers and tips you give us, I am sure that they are appreciated not only by me but by everyone else who has walked through the minefield that is setting up a server.


Once again thanks my friend,





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My question to you is "MatrixCPA do you even play the game?"

I mean, damn man getting you to replay to a post is like split second. You are as bad as us guys on the Mapping thread. :p




Take a break, Smoke some crack (Crack can be anything not just CRACK, and you don't have to smoke it either) relax, and saber some Mofo's.









Note: I myself do not use Crack. Just in case anyone was wondering. But it feels funny to say. :p

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