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Strategies for Temple (Gateway Contest)


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If, in the console, you say cg_drawtimer 1, then you can get a timer on the screen when you play so you don't have to use your CD player. :) I got lucky once and got 0:52 when I was practicing. I haven't got a chance to actually go to my Gateway store to play yet 'cause I just got back from a week of fun and hell at Boys State. BTW, the street number of the Gateway store nearest my house is 1337. Kinda ironic, no?

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Hey Ped, I l337....thats pretty funny. =P


well, anywho. I got in the top 25 (woot!) but, I still think I can get a better time....you need to kill a lot of people in a huge group, not taking out singly....thats all i can say cause i dont want you guys winning the 25 grand, I want to! =) The guy at the store I was at was like, "Okay, I didnt tell you this if anyone asks, but just make a fake account to get practice runs on,"....I thought that was kind of funny.

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