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How to have forward roll speed without rolling?


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I see people doing this a lot out there, but I can't figure out how to do it. Anybody know? It's where you move as fast as you would if you were rolling, but your model is frozen in place and sort of "floats" along without moving its feet.



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It's definitely not just a buggy thing of the rolls not showing. I've seen people do it after just one roll (and maybe without rolling...can't be sure on that, though) I have also seen it a lot while observing people dueling who are farting around instead of fighting, and they're doing it on purpose. Once in an FFA, somebody ran from me using it and "slid" the length of a hallway at roll speed.

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Can anyone confirm or deny if this is done with a script or if it is exploiting a bug? Once in a duel while observing a player was doing the "slide" all around the map and one of the observers said that it was an "illegal move" that would get a person kicked out of a tournament. That makes me think it is not a script.


How about one of you "sliders" out there confirming this and telling us how it's done.


The mystery continues....

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