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Anyone interested in Pablo-Jill?


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I was wondering if anyone has started (or will....) modeling Pablo-Jill, a jedi Knight from Episode II, once mistaken as an easter egg of Howard the Duck, Closer pictures indicate he is no more duck looking than Plo-Koon.... For referance I have

A "Mug-Shot"-http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/pablojill/img/curve.jpg

A Good Pic of Body hands, side of Face-http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/pablojill/img/movie_bg.jpg


And the picture that started the Whole "Howard the Duck" mayhem-http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/pablojill/img/eu_bg.jpg ( his center and left peices of his "chin" create what looks to be a bill...but alas, its not.

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Oy, his name is Pablo-Jill? That's the worst name for a SW character that I've ever heard.


I don't know why people insisted he was Howard the duck, even on my low quality bootleg copy, I could tell he was just a funky looking alien, and that those were eye-stalks. Some people just love to create controversy, I guess :)


This guy might be a little hard to do properly for JKII. In that last picture (http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/pablojill/img/eu_bg.jpg ), you see that his arms hang way down to around his knees, which of course can't really be done with the humanoid skeleton. If someone decides to give it a shot, however, I certainly wouldn't mind! The more alien Jedi, the better!

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