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Richdiesel look here please!


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Originally posted by Jango_Fett91

And put in the Slave One prefab Manquesa was making because hes making a jango Slave One. Anyway just thought you'd wanna know well bye!


Uh, not likely, that prefab is big, it would take up that whole platform. He'd have to really enlarge his map for it which he'd already said many times ain't gonna happen. I was however thinking of maybe making my own CTF map of Kamino where there'd be 2 platforms, one having Jango's Slave 1 on it (Blue team) and one having Boba's Slave 1 on it (Red Team). But don't count on that either, because i have another idea for a CTF map which I won't discuss yet untill something actually comes of it.


Sorry if it looks like i'm hijacking, it doesn't, does it?

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Try reading the duel kamino thread man

He's already discussed a MILLION times why he made the platform smaller and in his sp kamino it will be bigger with rain and more like the movie so just wait for that!

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Just to make sure i'm not, I went and rechecked the Kamino thread.

This is from a post by rich on page 9


I'm not remaking this map for MP ever again.


And I'm not going to remake the whole thing just for the SP version either.


So drop the Slave 1 talk.


This is just "Kamino Landing Platform." It is not "Kamino Landing Platform Where Obi Wan and Jango Were Fighting in Episode II"


It's a different, smaller platform! So there!


There's no talk of this anywhere thereafter in that thread.

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There is real water down there... go out onto the arms and jump off, you'll splash shortly after you start to fade-out die.


The wind gusting will be removed in the SP version so that'll happen every time.


And if I made visible water it would look like a big block of water floating in space, which looks really stupid.



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I presume because eventually there would be an end to the level? Isn't it possible to make it that it appears to continue indefinately? *ponders* Perhaps not, from so high up, I guess it would be a lot more feasible if the platform was practically on the water.... And to extend the water far enough to make it look horizon-spanning would probably crash most systems ^_^ That does suck. Ah well, just one of the many things to add to the cannot-do list in mapping : /

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That's exactly why. It has come to my attention lately (as in a few hours ago when installed Medal of Honor and played for a bit) that you could theoretically create a shader that fades off slightly into the distance and then a cloud layer slightly above that that extends a little bit further... but that's just way too much effort, really.



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