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yoda looks like an obese cow


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If your so much better than everyone here, why do you keep posting and whining and complaining about Jedi Knight II? I think Ive told you this many a day ago, (maybe you recall). Stop playing Jedi Knight II if you dont like it. Stop posting on these forums.


NOT in that order mind you.


Understand? I sure hope this can get through to you.


P.S. Your a whining, bitchy little loser with a massive infierority complex, who SHOULD GET A ****ING LIFE. I havent been on these forums for about a month, and all i see is posts from Jarek still, whining and bitching. In your own words, MOVE ON.




Thank you for your time and concern. Good day to you.

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Ok I admit I don't like the yoda model it does look obese and not Yoda like however remember in the original JK when you had to fight Pic? Wasn't that cool! they should make him small like the original screenshots! just make him able to jump as high as everyone else like in the film isn't that the whole point of fighting as Yoda your so skilled you can afford to jump around? like he did when he royally whipped my ass!

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Originally posted by jarek

blah blah blah.


another yoda model thread..oh wait no one has released a yoda model yet. instead theres just a flood of teaser screenshots. theres been many other skins released, is there a reason the yoda skin is taking forever for skinners to make? or are they just being bastards and holding out on people? one day when people are sick of jk2 and move on to other games (which has pretty much happened to me), perhaps the yoda skin will be released.


Maybe, just MAYBE the authors are trying to make it good? Making a model isn't *click click click* All done! It takes work, and a lot of time, and making a good skin is also difficult. Also, ever consider the fact that the authors have LIVES and don't just sit around all day on their PC trying to be your slave and release Yoda in two days? How about you stop bitching? It's the author's choice to make the model, you should be lucky you're ever able to download it.

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Originally posted by icefox98

If your so much better than everyone here, why do you keep posting and whining and complaining about Jedi Knight II? I think Ive told you this many a day ago, (maybe you recall). Stop playing Jedi Knight II if you dont like it. Stop posting on these forums.


NOT in that order mind you.


Understand? I sure hope this can get through to you.


P.S. Your a whining, bitchy little loser with a massive infierority complex, who SHOULD GET A ****ING LIFE. I havent been on these forums for about a month, and all i see is posts from Jarek still, whining and bitching. In your own words, MOVE ON.




Thank you for your time and concern. Good day to you.



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Originally posted by Emon


Maybe, just MAYBE the authors are trying to make it good? Making a model isn't *click click click* All done! It takes work, and a lot of time, and making a good skin is also difficult. Also, ever consider the fact that the authors have LIVES and don't just sit around all day on their PC trying to be your slave and release Yoda in two days? How about you stop bitching? It's the author's choice to make the model, you should be lucky you're ever able to download it.


Emon, if you havent realized, I dont care anymore. And I wasnt bitching, I asked a question. Seems to me that youre the one doing the bitching. Take your own advice and just stop.

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Originally posted by jarek


blah blah blah.


another yoda model thread[/qoute]




..oh wait no one has released a yoda model yet.




Instead theres just a flood of teaser screenshots




theres been many other skins released, is there a reason the yoda skin is taking forever for skinners to make?




or are they just being bastards and holding out on people?




one day when people are sick of jk2 and move on to other games (which has pretty much happened to me), perhaps the yoda skin will be released.




And I wasnt bitching




I asked a question.


You asked two. Two questions in a very bitchy tone.


[qoute]Seems to me that youre the one doing the bitching.


Now I'm bitching about bitching. This, of course, will bring on you to bitch about my bitching about your bitching, but when you bitch about my bitching I won't bitch back because then this thread would have a bitch overload and it will become a never ending torrent of bitchity.


Yay! I've now had a thread with the word bitch in it twenty times.

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wow, with all that crap you quoted, where do i begin to respond? i could quote you, then quote you quoting me and then respond (wow im confused now), but ive got better things to do. and i really dont care to make a mile long thread. somewhere you missed the sarcasm in my original post and took it as bitching. so now youve made yourself look stupid by flaming someone that wasnt even being serious. nice one :)

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SeraphimII, that is SO true.


And there IS such a thing as complaining, which is different from bitching. If you're complaining about something, you're doing it nicely. If you're bitching, you're being mean and selfish in the process.

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Originally posted by jarek



somewhere you missed the sarcasm in my original post and took it as bitching. so now youve made yourself look stupid by flaming someone that wasnt even being serious. nice one :)


Dude if you want sarcasm add sum smiles OR don't act like an ass in most of the thread you post, and maybe YOU made an ass of yourself by missing the light nature of my post!




Or maybe I made an ass of myself by saying I was just being sarcastic to respond to when you suddenly pulled out of your ass the you were being sarcastic to recover from being more of an ass. In which, you who has better things to do then whore some game's forum which you say you've moved on from, will then do you best to make me look like an ass, BUT since I am really just playing with you you will indeed look...like...an...ass.




Woot! I typed ass 8 times in this post!

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