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What's happening...?


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What's happening?


1.Do I have to pay each month to play this game?


2.Is there going to be a one player option?


3.Is multiplayer going to be first or third person view, or something lame like sky view?


4.What's the release date?


5.Is there intergalactic travel?


6.Is there travel on automobiles?


Please tell me.

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[*]No. Not that I've heard. This is going to be a pure MMORPGame.


[*]All of them. You can switch between them yourself.


[*]December 2002 so far, whith the Space expansion following 6 months after.


[*]Yes and no. For the first 6 months or so, you are gonna have to hire a NPC (Neutral Player Character?) to take you to another planet, and/or go on a passenger transport.


[*]Yes, but there's chance speeders and swoop bikes wont make it to the initial release.


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Originally posted by Koffin


Pretty sure he knows what NPC means, I think he has a hidden joke in there.

It's a faction thing...


I've heard the term NPC for Non Playing Character in many places/games, and half the time for the guys trying yo kill you. So I don't think it's Nuetral Player Character.

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