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Online force/weapon-bits calculator


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Yeah...thought so....but how about the 2 first weapons ?


Bit value 1 and 2 ?


Is it like this:


weapon 1 = 1

weapon 2 = 2

Saber = 4

Bryar =8

E11 Blaster = 16

Disruptor = 32

Wookie Bowcaster = 64

Heavy Repeater = 128

Demp2 = 256

Golan Arms = 512

Rocket Launcher = 1024

Thermal Detonators = 2048

Tripmines = 4096

Detpacks = 8192

emplaced sentry guns =16384

stationary sentry guns = 32768


If I calculate all this together, then saber-only is 65531...




And Force Powers is like this:


Heal = 1

Jump = 2

Speed = 4

Push = 8

Pull = 16

Mind Trick = 32

Grip = 64

Lightning = 128

Rage = 256

Protect = 512

Absorb = 1024

Team Heal = 2048

Team Energize = 4096

Drain = 8192

Seeing = 16384

Saber attack = 32768

Saber defend = 65536

Saber throw = 131072


So if I want jump + saber-attack/defend/throw, the I should use 32765.



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The forcefield is not a weapon, it's an item--like a medpak. If you want to get rid of forcefields, you need to use something like the following in your config:


seta disable_<what it looks like in the console> "1"


When someone picks up a forcefield, you'll see that in the server console. However the server describes it, you replace the <> above with it. Then, that item won't spawn on any map. If you want to put them back, change it to "0" instead of "1". I personally don't know what the forcefield is called because I run a saber only server and I'm too lazy to start up another instance just to find out. ;)

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