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Patches and Stuff -- N00B Questions


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I'm new to the Jedi Outcast area--mainly because I've only had the demo for about 2 weeks and I'm buying the full soon.


But, bear with me.


First off, about the patches:


Do I need to install both the 1.02 AND the 1.03 patches?


If so, where can I get the 1.03 patch. (What I mean is, does the 1.03 patch fix the bugs that 1.02 fixed?)


1.04: Is there any conclusive evidence that there WILL be a 1.04 patch? Also, does the fact that Raven released Jedi Outcast's code mean that they're giving up on another patch and expect the modders to put together a patch?


Also, has anybody seen ArtifeX's article What needs to happen in v1.04?


If so, what do you say? I think the adjustments sound quite interesting, especially the "Radical Lightsaber Fix" section.

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i think you only need to install 1.03



1.04: no conclusive evidence, just a bunch of whiners who are hoping it will because they don't like being killed by backstab because they don't know how to counter it


I have read artifex's guide, i disagree with most of it

Backstab/sweep: come on, you need to turn your back to the opponent, all you have to do is kick them or saber throw their exposed back, or hit them with death from above, or a medium finisher or...endless possiblities

easy to kill somebody that is showing you their back


and the radical fixes will NOT hapen in a patch, there is no way they will happen and i can say that with 100% certainty.

that is something that will happen in an expansion pack (if it ever does happen even) because it is such a dramatic change, they need to get paid for it


Definition of a Patch:

Fixes the Errors, Bugs, and Glitches

DOESN'T add new features

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If you are being sweeped or kicked over.. you can not kick back or saber throw to save yourself - once you are down and that person is ready to backstab, you are history.


It ruins the close saber combat feel of the game if everyone has to worry about getting next to the other guy.

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom

i think you only need to install 1.03



1.04: no conclusive evidence, just a bunch of whiners who are hoping it will because they don't like being killed by backstab because they don't know how to counter it


I have read artifex's guide, i disagree with most of it

Backstab/sweep: come on, you need to turn your back to the opponent, all you have to do is kick them or saber throw their exposed back, or hit them with death from above, or a medium finisher or...endless possiblities

easy to kill somebody that is showing you their back


and the radical fixes will NOT hapen in a patch, there is no way they will happen and i can say that with 100% certainty.

that is something that will happen in an expansion pack (if it ever does happen even) because it is such a dramatic change, they need to get paid for it


Definition of a Patch:

Fixes the Errors, Bugs, and Glitches

DOESN'T add new features


However, in with the Armada 2 patch came a bunch of new features-- Realistic Physics for Capital Ships, Weapons Damage, Depth of the map options, "early upgrade" tech tree option, that's all that I can come up with off the top of my head.


Also, what about Drain? It's kind of weak at the moment.

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The version that ships on the CD is 1.02. A while after the game shipped, Raven released the 1.03 patch changing the gameplay in way to many ways. The priamry complaint is the completely rediculous blocking that was increased by at least a factor of 10. The game became a crap shoot, skill was not rewarded, repetition was. In addition there are plenty of exploits that replaced the old ones (that weren't readily easy for a newbie to master, like backing up and attacking is).


Since you're new to the game, you won't miss the 'old saber style', but you won't be doing yourself any favors by not enjoying the game the way it was meant to be. It was just more fun, smoother, more fluid and rewarding.

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Originally posted by QuietSith

If you are being sweeped or kicked over.. you can not kick back or saber throw to save yourself - once you are down and that person is ready to backstab, you are history.


It ruins the close saber combat feel of the game if everyone has to worry about getting next to the other guy.


sure you can, just tap like mad


if they are running up you will kick them as you get up


if you get on the ground, you deserve to be backstabbed, you made a mistake, you will have to suffer the consequences

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

The version that ships on the CD is 1.02. A while after the game shipped, Raven released the 1.03 patch changing the gameplay in way to many ways. The priamry complaint is the completely rediculous blocking that was increased by at least a factor of 10. The game became a crap shoot, skill was not rewarded, repetition was. In addition there are plenty of exploits that replaced the old ones (that weren't readily easy for a newbie to master, like backing up and attacking is).


Since you're new to the game, you won't miss the 'old saber style', but you won't be doing yourself any favors by not enjoying the game the way it was meant to be. It was just more fun, smoother, more fluid and rewarding.


A couple things:


1) What do you mean "Old Saber Style?" I've played 1.03 multiplayer a bit, so feel free to compare 1.02 to it, I'll understand.


2) About the deflection thing-- when playing multiplayer, a friend had the Imperial Heavy Repeater and was shooting solid at me. I was walking towards him (I had Saber Defense lvl 3) every once in a while, and he said I was blocking every shot he fired. Also, they went right back to him and killed him. Is that what you meant by "completely rediculous blocking?"

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Here's my feeling:


1) I hate anything that makes me lose....


For example my rusty skills, lack of time to practice, lack of concentration at a given moment that caused me to lose, sore fingers/wrists, bad ping that day, getting kicked from a game seemingly at random, inopportune computer crashes and power outages, badly timed accidental hitting of the "windows" key, etc...



2) I love anything (short of outright cheating) that makes me win...


Outwitting opponents, having faster reflexes than opponents, hurting their morale by killing them over and over, getting items/weapons before enemies and using them more wisely, using tricks and combos they don't know how to counter effectively, etc.


Incidentally Raven has posted what 1.03 (the only official patch that exists for the retail JK2 game) REALLY does. You can find an official list of changes here: http://support.lucasarts.com/patches/jedioutcast.htm

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