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Latest cheat code

Darth Nader

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i just got my latest issue of PC Gamer yesterday and they had three or four letters from readers who thought JKII should've had a better score.


In his response, the editor listed a cheat that allows you to cut off heads, arms, legs, and hands, as well as cut people completely in half at the waist (i know that normally you can cut off arms and hands).


First hit Shift + ~ to bring down the console, then type devmapall to enable cheating, then type this:


g_SaberRealisticCombat 1


i still only have the demo of the game, but i tried it out and it's awesome! it's great just walking up to a stormtrooper, aiming at his head, and poking him with your saber to cut it off.


maybe everyone already knows about this cheat, but since it was new to me, i figured i would share it with everyone here since it really is a nice cheat and adds a bit more realism to the game.


have fun! ;)

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