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Skin I made but can't get to work


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well, thats a pic of my skin in several action poses, the skin works in game but i cant selevt it from the list, I have to pick it through the console, also the icon_default works in the hud, but doesnt show up in the skins list.


Anyone know what Im doing wrong? :confused:

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Hey, that's pretty cool!


When you're trying to select your skin, are you joining a Multiplayer server? Try hosting one yourself, you should be able to use it (if it's pk3'd properly). Also make sure it's not using the same foldername as another skin, it could be being over-riden.

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Both when I host or Join there is simply no icon_default picture in the list of selectables, also it is in a different folder so no problems where either. As the icon_default works in the hud i'm asuming there's nothing wrong with that either. I' really lost on this one :(

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Pretty Cool Skin! Too bad it's a reborn. Heheh, just kidding. Anyway if you don't have an icon, you won't be able to select your skin. Make sure your icon has the right name default_icon.jpg and is 256x256. Also, if your skin is badly pk3ed, you may have problems seeing it ingame. Make sure that the names of in the .skin file respect the naming convention.

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Well, the HUD image for the icon_default works and is the right resolution and all. I've also tried your method BIG BOSS but that weilded no results either. Also I tried making the name shorted but that made no difference either. I'm really lost here. I've compared my skin directory with other people's and compared their files to mine and it all seems to be ok, I really don't have a clue what I'm doing wrong. :(:confused:

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under your default_model file do the files match with the folder name of the char?

say the name of char is bob


this is how the set up should be under the models/players/bob

open the default_model.

things will read like torso/models/players/reborn/reborn_torso

make sure the the player file matches up under the default_model


like this, torso/models/players/BOB/reborn_torso


P.S. do not change the stormtrooper ones

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hey sorry white mail isnt working so, this is how you fiix it


open sithsavior remove the models/players/sithsavior to somewhere then remane default_icon to default_icon_sithsavior(this will make to icons) so close folder. then reopen and deleate the default_icon_sithsavior. then remake pk3 file and everything should work


P.S. sorry email doesnt work

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Ok, I'm confused, I followed your instructions to the best of my ability and tried several different ways but still none of them worked. Wonder what i'm doing wrong. Could you please still email it? There's no rush so whenever it works. Or maybe upload it on a website?


Many Thanks again

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