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ROQs are not used for rendered cinematics - they are only for fully prerendered cinematic video, such as the opening credits of the SP game and a few shots of flying through Bespin, as I remember.


If you want in-game cinematics, though, you need to use BehavEd to script them in the ICARUS2 scripting language.


Both the ROQ compiler and BEHAVED are in the JK2 tools... can't remember if they're in package 1 or 2, though.


You can get both on my Radiant tutorial website under the "Tools You Need."

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

ROQs are not used for rendered cinematics - they are only for fully prerendered cinematic video, such as the opening credits of the SP game and a few shots of flying through Bespin, as I remember.


If you want in-game cinematics, though, you need to use BehavEd to script them in the ICARUS2 scripting language.


Both the ROQ compiler and BEHAVED are in the JK2 tools... can't remember if they're in package 1 or 2, though.


You can get both on my Radiant tutorial website under the "Tools You Need."


both are in package 2. for some reason they included a readme about the roq compiler in package 1 but forgot to include the actual program. :p

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

ROQs are not used for rendered cinematics - they are only for fully prerendered cinematic video, such as the opening credits of the SP game and a few shots of flying through Bespin, as I remember.


If you want in-game cinematics, though, you need to use BehavEd to script them in the ICARUS2 scripting language.


Both the ROQ compiler and BEHAVED are in the JK2 tools... can't remember if they're in package 1 or 2, though.


You can get both on my Radiant tutorial website under the "Tools You Need."


Actually, the title scroll is actually done with an ingame method, I think. I think it just scrolls a brush across the screen, because you can edit the JPEG. Also, you can tell from the way it mip-maps.

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Actually the opening titles are an roq file - look in assets0.pk3 you'll see it there. And the jpeg you speak of is actually a TGA file that's used as a shader, it's called something like "eng_tc.tga".


So if you're going to re-do the opening crawl/titles then you'll need to make and compile a new roq file...


Unless I'm wrong and you can reveal the location of this jpg you speak of :p

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