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Lightsaber making


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The mechanics of a lightsaber are simple, although the application of them takes great skill and concentration. A novice Jedi Knight should be able to create his first lightsaber in about a month. A trained Jedi Master can, in a hurry, could construct one in a few days. Every lightsaber contained these basic components: a power cell, a handgrip, an activation plate or stud, a safety switch, a blade-length adjuster, an emitter matrix, and recharge socket, a lens assembly, at least one focusing crystal, a power conduit, and an optional belt ring. When activated, internal power cells create photoelectric energy which is focused through one, two, or three multi-facted crystals. In the lightsabers of the Jedi Knights, these crystals were found in nature, a task which reqruied the Jedi to focus their concentration on selecting a stone which would focus the energy and not explode. The Sith, however, used synthetic crystals formed in incredibly hot ovens, using their emotional control of the Force to assist in the formation of the stone. The energy is formed into a tight, parallel beam of coherent packets. These packets are emitted through a positively-charges, continuous energy lens which projects the packets away from the lightsaber. The packets are almost immediately attracted back to the lightsaber by a negatively-charged, high-energy flux aperature, and then continually recycled to create the glowing blade. The packets are recycled by a superconductor back into the power cell for re-energizing. The entire process is completely contained. No energy is lost, since the light in the blade is recaptured. No heat is generated, either. The only energy loss occurs when the blade strikes an object.



Hope this helps and good luck!

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<waves his hand past the bank tellers eyes>

"You will hand over all of the money."




I know that you can change the saber blade, but I'm not sure about hilt mods. Then again, I'm not really adept at that stuff. I've been trying to make a room in the mapmaker for months.


:gben:Don't give into hate, that leads to the Dark Side.

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