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Spamming & scripting


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Although I have played online quite a bit, I am basically a newbie and I am new to the forum. I was hoping someone could define spamming and scripting for me so I can better understand the threads. :(

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Spamming: Doing a move over and over again.

Example: Walking backwards trying to backstab everyone.


Scripting: Binding a combination of commands/actions to one key. They can be harmless(chat/model change/taunt) or can be used to pull off complex moves with the press of a key.

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"Spamming" is using one move over and over and over again. People who do this lack skill.


"A$$fighters" are people who run around backwards in the hope of landing a backstab or backswing on someone. People who do this lack skill.


"Scripting" is using the console to do things such as change your name colour, bind keys to moves, phrases etc.

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Kind of off topic, but an example of an assfighter i guess :)

Was playing yesterday in a FFA NF SO server, and one guy kept assfight into crowds. Hed run backward swinging into the crowd, the jump forward, rinse and repeat. It's like there was a script playing the game for him. I stood in front of where he was jumping forward to, and would blue stance lunge him everytime, eventually killing him. He never seemed to notice or care, just kept doing the same routine.

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Isnt this game fun for them. I dont know. due t the monotonus movements of these players, i beleve that these guys are going to get bored really soon (which is great news.) but,,,


there are always going to be some ID10Ts to take their place so all honorable fighters on this thread get to destroy all these twits for that little bit longer before they get the message



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