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server.cfg for a NON-dedicated server


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Ok, this is probably a dumb question. Note that I don't have a clue about dedicated servers, I'm just a simple gamer. :)


Also: *insert standard "sorry-that-I-aks-this-question-again-but-the-search-is-disabled-on-these-forums-" excuse here*. :D


Every now and then I play a multiplyer game against bots (for map testing etc.) Now I would like to run my server.cfg file that contains some dismemberment stuff, Ghoul2, force powers disabling etc.


Question: when would be the right time to run this server.cfg?


I know I can start the game, create a server, wait until everything is loaded, hit escape, bring down the console, exec server.cfg, restart the game. Now thats rather uncomfortable.


What's the best way to do it? For a dedicated server, I can sart the jk2mp.exe and tell it to run the server.cfg upon startup, but how do I do it when not starting a dedicated server?


Any help appreciated.

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