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WIP: another GUARD


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Reminds me of The Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. King Arthur chops the knights arms off and he's left dancing about on his legs with blood spurting from his arm sockets, hilarious stuff :D


I think we need arms here though...

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well i certainly dont think he deserves the flaming you guys gave him, but i do agree that its not very nice to copy somone else's idea.... however there isnt any rule against it. its not extremely hiigh quality either, but i think it is a good model to learn on, just play around with it Saik, then scrap it and do one for real and use everything u learned on the first one, werll at least thats what i would do, course i made like 7 models for q3 before i ever released one hehe


hehe anyhow, have fun with it :)

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Who's idea is he copying? George Lucas'? I mean common, there are a few hundred mauls out there, and some vaders too. no one's got the guard to themselves. if he thinks he can do better then let him try, and then the community can download the one they think is the best--its not like we're getting paid lol. He didnt post this thread to be torn apart, from the looks of it its very early and has some promise. i think a lot of you guys owe SAIK HUAT an apology. If that the feedback people give on this forum why would anyone ever post on it again?


not bad SAIK HUAT, has a long way to go, but has potential. it does however look like the knight from monty python, so save the model at the stage your at and when your done with the guard you know what your next project should be. i think theres a few Knight mods out there that would love a knight in black armor.



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Don't worry about the rude posters at the start.

Keep up the hard work and it will pay off.

The toughest thing while you're trying to learn to use the tools will be matching the shapes of the objects to the real life ones.

Especially when so many people know just what they looked like in the movies and such. Use AS MANY reference pics as you CAN FIND. Keep altering it until you like the results.

Anyway, for the Imperial Guards, I think the helmet must be represented in the exact shape for it to be correct. Keep adjusting the contours around the visor and you'll get there.

Best of luck.





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1. It's not as good as the other one, but do you have to flame him and make yourself into a complete idiot in the process, loosing respect from all members of the community? No, you most certantly don't have to, and you shouldn't. What I would give for this forum to have better moderation so filth like that could be weeded out.


2. In case most of you ass holes haven't realized, the model is incomplete.


3. Also, like he said, it's his first model. He isn't trying to compete with anyone, he's just trying out 3DSM. I'm sure if most of the people who flamed him tried 3DSM, they wouldn't be nearly as good.

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Originally posted by Klorel



-'Tis but a flesh wound. I've had worse


-what are you goint to do? BLEED on me?!?


C'mon, you pansy!


But as for the flames on this thread, like Nomad said, these people are just jealous that they don't even know how to boot-up a 3d program, much less sculpt anything in one..

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good work dude, hope to see it finished soon, or wenever, im glad to see people trying new things, yes its been done before, but for a first try on the software your using is amazing ithink, ive got GMAX but unsure of how to use it, so i use milkshape and lightwave, but im still learning,


just a question, to model, do people need ref pics, caus ifind it hard unless ican see the front of them, ???


well done anyway :)

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It's not that. I felt the same way after I read

Feel free to give it 5 stars


Dude follow these steps:

1. Never show your work after one day.

2. Never release your first project.

3. 5 Stars?!?!?! Dont be arrogant.(edit your post)


It's looking good for your first model. Compared to me, when I got 3ds max, I was just using the particles for 2 weeks until I actually started modeling. But dude, if u can do this after having 3ds max only for one day, what you will be able to do in 2 months will look awesome.

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