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Clone Trooper Long Rifle


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I was really wondering if someone is comming out with the clone troopers rifle, it has a scope on the bottom of it wich would make it best used for the sniper rifle in game, just change the weapons red laser to a blue laser, is anyone thinking of doing this because i have resource pictures. Thanks :clone::charric:

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Ok got some MORE pics, this one here shows that the rifles do shoot blue http://www.starwars.com/episode-ii/news/2002/02/img/artofstarwars_cover_bg.jpg


just another pic of the rifle http://www.thestormtroopers.com/images/other/clonetrooper3.jpg




i went on starwars.com ask section and asked if I could see some closeups of the clonetroopers weaponary, hopfully they will let me

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The clonetroopers use a DC-15 Blaster. Which comes in two varieties, the rifle, and the blaster.


The Star Wars Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary has awesome reference pics of both of them in very high detail. If my scanner hadn't been electrocuted by lightning I'd scan them and put them somewhere.


Anyways you can prolly pic up that book at any local bookstore. The cover has a big closeup of Jango's helmet on it.



EDIT: Go here and click Look inside this book. You can see the cover, and the first page has a pic of Zam Wessel's Projectle Rifle on it.



Sadly Amazon.com wouldn't let you look at some more of the pages inside the book which include the Clonetroopers =\.

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Yeah cool i think it should be the bowcaster thats changed....just think how the bowcaster looks and fires.. youll see its almost perfectly sound to that of the clonetrooper rifle.


plus sounds could be implemented and the blue spirit could be easily done.



If ya want the Zam Wessel rifle as the sniper rifle replacment then you could also edit the scope to look like the one from EP2 that she used..


(oh yeah zam sniped obi wan off the droid-and she was poision darted by jango--but from quite a long distance so i think it was a semi-snipe lol)

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The Clonetrooper's rifle is infact an earlier version of the Light Repeating Blaster (BlasTech ST-II), this rifle, the repeating rifle, was used by Stormtroopers in ANH. They are the equivilant of M60s (Which is what makes the Clonetrooper army amazing - An army of perfect troopers, entirely armed with M60s)


The ST-II was made by Lucas Props by using an odd teflon grip on a german WWII MG. So, if you need reference pics, try buying some old Star Wars RPG reference books, technoligy and weapons and stuff, and look for the Light Repeater (Or look for it online).


NOTE: The Repeating Blaster in JO is /NOT/ an ST-II.. The Repeater in JO (and JK1, and DF) are simply made up by Raven/LucasArts.


-Darth Caedes-

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