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Imperial Brewery Help!!


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I am making a level entitled " Imperial Brewery " . Its actually just that the remnant is doing business with smugglers, and one of the things they are smuggling is beer. This is how the remnant makes some money....

Can I change the water texture shade to make it appear like beer, or am i going to have to make a custom texture?

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lol at yourself!!!!!!!! lol


Its a VIABLE idea....I was thinking of having a few big vats of beer and a catwalk above them for one of the main scenes. I wouldn't make the bottling area, though.

I am making an Imperial base, however, this is jsut going to be one of the Main points of interest.


my second point of interest is going to be the hangar/cargo rooms which hold the bases tie fighters and beer shipments..


I also had a pretty good outdoor area made, big actually, and when i went to compile it it was all black and couldn't do nothing with it, so i'm starting over....



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Originally posted by Takeoffyouhoser

Can I change the water texture shade to make it appear like beer, or am i going to have to make a custom texture?


You can try. And by that I mean messing with shaders w/o actually replacing the texture itself. But I am not sure about results.

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Originally posted by Takeoffyouhoser

how would i go about editing the shaders??


Ok, here is a magical tutorial on how to turn green dirty yavin swamp water into nice yellow beer w/o changing the texture. :D

If you know how to make your custom shader file, skip to step 3.


1. Create brewery directory, under base/textures.


2. Go to base/shaders. Find shaderlist.txt and open it in Notepad. Add brewery at the end of the file and save it.


3. Now, in the same dir (base/shader) create new file, call it brewery.shader. Open it Notepad and paste this code:


qer_editorimage	textures/yavin/water1
q3map_tesssize	256
surfaceparm	metalsteps
surfaceparm	nonsolid
surfaceparm	water
surfaceparm	fog
surfaceparm	trans
q3map_material	Water
fogparms	[color=RED][b]( 0.5254 0.3294 0.0235 ) 1024.0[/b][/color]
cull	disable
[color=GREEN][b]//	deformvertexes	wave	100 sin 0 0.8 0 0.4[/b][/color]
       map textures/yavin/water1
       [color=RED][b]rgbGen const ( 0.525400 0.329400 0.023500 )[/b][/color]
       [color=RED][b]alphaGen const 0.2[/b][/color]
       tcMod turb 0 0.08 0.04 0.08
       tcMod scroll -0.05 -0.001
       map textures/yavin/water_test
       [color=RED][b]rgbGen const ( 0.525400 0.329400 0.023500 )[/b][/color]
       [color=RED][b]alphaGen const 0.1[/b][/color]
       tcMod turb 0 0.1 0.4 0.09


Save the file. At this point, you can open Radiant and find beer texture under textures/brewery.


And now the "magic explained" part.

deformVertexes creates actual waves on a water brush(es). Now it's commented out but if you wanna very very quite waves on your beer, remove the comment.

fogparms are RGB values for color plus opacity. They are needed to make view appear realistic when you are under water.

Ok, now stuff in red is what actually makes green texture into yellow. You might wanna tweak RGB values of rgbGen lines to achieve desirable color. alphaGen controls transparency. IMO, beer is pretty transparent so I gave it 0.2/0.1 values. To make less transparent, give bigger value. 1 is totally opraque.


Ok, that's it. :D

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hmmm...Ya know, if any of you's guys can come up with a different liquid than beer that would be easier to make i'm all for it. :)

That idea about the light in the water sounds interesting though. Unfortunately for you, when i went to reply to your post, Xcom came and gave the answer that works..lol... oh well.... :)


It was a hearty effort though!!!!


Now to Xcom....thanks for the help!!!! Just a question on top of this...how did you know how to edit those lines to make what you did? where can i read this ?? Also, when my map is finished, do i have to include this new texture in it....


Now, all i need to do is learn how to skin Bob and Doug Mckenzie and i'm all set!! LOL


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Originally posted by Takeoffyouhoser

Now to Xcom....thanks for the help!!!! Just a question on top of this...how did you know how to edit those lines to make what you did? where can i read this ?? Also, when my map is finished, do i have to include this new texture in it....


You mean how did I learn to work with shaders? If so, this is the answer.




And yes, you would need to include this brewery.shader with your map.

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This is a great idea! I love it.


I've been working on a map called "Bespin Distillery."

I was going to do something with beer, but I wasn't sure how to edit the shaders. So I went with a nice blue liquor. :D


The actual still (cooker) side of the distillery has a nifty trap that throws the victim into the cooker.


Takeoffyouhoser, I hope to see this map soon!


ps- I'm a HUGE beer fan and a part time brewer :) lol





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Well, lets not expect too much soon!!! Also, the brewery is going to not be as big as an entire level... It is one of the main areas of my base though.


It was just an idea to make something different. I like the Imperial stuff, but also needed an excuse to put some NPC's from Nar Shaddaa their too. This is where my theme of The Remnant ( being very poor and needing some money) teaming up with smugglers came from. I thought smuggling Beer would be neat.


my brewery will consist of some storage tanks, boiling vats of beer...then a small warehouse. I'm also making Base Commander ( Brewmaster ) Smith's personal dining room, much like Mr. Burns's dining room from the simpsons, with a big spiked chair... :)

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