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We Need a force Throw Mod!!!


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One major bad point of JK2 was the fact that they left Force throw out of the game. That was a really cool force power In JK1. I have no experience in editing whatsoever, but to all you mod makers out there theres an idea, Force throw, id love to be able to hurl a massive piece of debri at an opponent and hurl them off a massive chasm, who wouldnt. And you can easily stop the power being whored by just upping the cost, or making it more of a stunning attack. The damage it did in JK1 was ridiculous, but lowering the damage done, and making it knock ur opponent off balance would be mad as. And maybe the larger the object the more force it takes.


And another idea is the ability to cling to ledges. I know this is possible in the Quake 3 engine as i have seen it in the mod Urban terror which works it brilliantly.


Anyway im sure many people have thought of it before, but i thought id just add my 2 cents.



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Jedith, why don't you READ what he wrote instead of reading the topic and assuming it's content? *Sigh*


He's talking about the Force Throw power from JK which lets you hurl nearby rubble at your enemies. Mike Gummelt told me there were some entities for single player which you could put in your map and Force Grip them, throw them at enemies for damage, but I have yet to find them.


I'm not sure if it would work in MP, because I'm not sure if you can spawn rubble and crates and stuff around the map... you might have to add them to the level, in which case it would only work for new levels.

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That's different. That's just Force Push and Force Pull. We are talking about the ability to lift up objects with the Force such as crates and rubble, and smash them into your enemy's forehead. Just like what Vader did to Luke in ESB, or what Dooku tried to do to Yoda in AotC (and failed miserably).

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Originally posted by Emon

Jedith, why don't you READ what he wrote instead of reading the topic and assuming it's content? *Sigh*


He's talking about the Force Throw power from JK which lets you hurl nearby rubble at your enemies. Mike Gummelt told me there were some entities for single player which you could put in your map and Force Grip them, throw them at enemies for damage, but I have yet to find them.


I'm not sure if it would work in MP, because I'm not sure if you can spawn rubble and crates and stuff around the map... you might have to add them to the level, in which case it would only work for new levels.

Chill out man, I knew what he was talking about. But if he liked to throw stuff around so much, go throw someone around with Force Grip and Force Push. :p
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:D Ok, I am sorry but I just had to put that. :D


We just have to wait for someone to very kindly make us a mod for the items (I cant code/map anything). As for the throwing poeple, YOU CAN DO IT WITH OUT PUSH!!! You just need grip, that's all. To put another force power in for something that's already there is a bit stupid, don't you think?

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I was never really talking about throwin people, thats not the Force Power i was talkin about. Im aware of the fact that u can lift people up with grip and launch them away with or without Push, i was sort of talking about Launching projectiles upon the levels at your opponents as seen in JK1 and the Movies where vader hurls some junk at luke and Maul chucks a bit of a droid at a switch.


BTW im not trying to tell people to go out and do it, it just a helpful suggestion to all those editors out there if they are in need of ideas :)

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I didn't mean to make it look like I was shouting, I just wanted to highlight that throwing people can be done. I understood what you meant btw, I just did'nt say much about it. Yeah, that would be cool. The only prob is that if you had to say throw something at a door to open it like maul did, what would you do on a no-force server?

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I think the problem is that the environment hasn't been programed to be that interactive.... except in places. I don't know how hard it would be to change that, or make maps that were more interactive, although it might get annoying with everyone throwing and pushing. The other night I saw something similar in SP, I think I saw this, it caught me off guard. I was fighting Desann in the final battle and he actually threw a boulder over my head and it smashed into one of the pillars behind me, which collapsed. I was so surprised by the move that I was killed quickly thereafter. Has anyone else see him do this? I haven't tried to duplicate it so I'm not sure if this is only something that can be done by Desann.... I don't know. It was pretty cool though.

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I was fighting Desann in the final battle and he actually threw a boulder over my head and it smashed into one of the pillars behind me, which collapsed. I was so surprised by the move that I was killed quickly thereafter. [/b]


garak88, what difficulty level were you playing at? I really want to see this!

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I was playing the Jedi Knight difficulty when it happened. Since then I've been able to get it to do it again once.... the hard part is that the boulder he throws also blows up if you hit it with a saber or force-lightning, so it doesn't make it through the battle long enough for Desann to throw... I've also discovered that the pillar can collapse by Desann using force lightning on it, although that isn't quite as cool.

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We aren't talking about Force Throw where you throw people. If you would take time to READ his sentences instead of reading just the topic, you know would know it means to THROW OBJECTS. How many times do I have to explain it? Yeesh.

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I know exactly what he meant, since I played JK1, too. I have to admit that I miss Throw, even if it made killing cannon fodder too easy.


That doesn't mean I can't ask about this cool visual effect I haven't seen in my several replays of the game. You may feel that you have to police this thread, but it's NO REASON TO SHOUT. Exasperation is no reason to be rude.


I'd like to think that exchange of information is what this board is about. I consider small digressions in topic a small price to pay for the sharing of ideas. And easter eggs.

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