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Plo Koon

ET Warrior

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As many of you probably know.....i'm something of a fan of this Kel Dor Jedi Master.....and any information that could be given about him would be useful, i already know that he is from the world of dorin, he needs the mask and eye goggles because of the oxygen rich atmosphere of coruscant, had highly developed sensory organs that augmented his jedi powers.....mmmm, was a friend of QuiGon Jinn and desired to see him on the council....He also served during the Stark Hyperspace wars....and was quite the hero in that encounter. But thats all i know....if anyone has any other information i'd love to hear it! :)

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Plo Koon also enjoys a good game of football with his brother, Predator. When he's not engaged in crazy jedi acrobatics, or spending time on his homeworld, he has a passionate and steamy relationship with Mrs. Ackbar..........if only the Admiral knew.


Expect a new type of Star Wars EU books: the passionate tales from a galaxy far, far away. In book stores soon.

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that mask is AMAZING!!!...no i dont have the action figure...i wish to get it soon......in JPB he had an orange saber.....and he used a blue or green saber after they were getting rescued on Geonosis, but he could have picked that up off of a fallen jedi

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Plo Koon was the padawan of Tyvokka, a wookie Jedi Master who sat on the council and was killed during the Stark Hyperspace War. Tyvokka offered to put forth Plo Koon as a candidate for the Jedi Council.

He said that Plo was always his 'most humble, polite, stubborn and difficult padawan'.


Plo Koon always considered Qui-Gon Jin a good friend and often tried to stick up for him since Qui-Gon liked doing things his way and defy the Council.


After Aayla Secura partly regained her memories and was assigned to Master Tholme it was Plo Koon who initially helped her through telepathy to sort her returning memories.


That's just some of the things from 'The Stark Hyperspace War'. I don't know how you feel about the comics and EU but I think it's more than worth it to get them.

I get all the Aayla comics out there (so not that much really, just 'Twilight', 'Darkness', 'The Stark Hyperspace War' and 'Rite of Passage') and they're great to get insights on your favourite character.

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Damn you Lucas!!!!! Why must you give Plo such a weak colored saber?! that's why he got captured by droids....he needed the power of an orange saber!


You know, i think the titles they give us based on our posts are messed up....i mean....i was a tusken raider, then a wampa, and now i'm a JAWA? Such a terrifying creature, the Jawa.....they....and they....oh jeez...they dont do anything besides sell crappy droids....

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They are indeed. I was a Sith Probe Droid and now I'm an ewok? Wtf? A little cute and furry animal!?! :eek:


I can just see the Jedi chicks instead of going 'Wow, what a hunk.' go like 'Oh he's so cute and furry' and start to cuddle me and ... hey wait this might not be so bad after all! :):lol:



Imagine if they did keep the color of the lightsabers like in the EU, it'd get confusing for those who don't follow EU books/comics. A good example is Aayla's own lightsaber, the blade is red, everyone not into EU would think she's a Sith. Or Quinlan Vos, he always had a green blade, even as an padawan and I think judging by the scenes in Ep II only Knights and Masters have green blades. :p

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I think somewhere in the EU, it said that every saber had a different color due to the difference between crystals. In the comics we see different colored cores. So I assume this was/is part of the said variation. (e.g. Nomi Sunrider had a green blade with a yellow core)

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