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Stuck already?


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Hi everyone. I know that this sounds silly, but I am stuck at the artus mines and I dont know where to go next. I have killed all the officers at the mine and I have already destroyed the operation that made the "red room" hot. Everyone is dead, where do I go next? Thanks, need a little help here.



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Yeah, somewhere around the red room there should be a room where you can go outside. Go outside and look down. There should be a tube that goes in and out. When it comes out, jump down onto it. Then, when it goes back in, climb into the tube. Once in the small room shoot all of the tubes (don't the forget the middle) to stop the, um, "red effect." ;):)

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When the "Red Room" isn't dangerous anymore, you go back into it. Once you're in it, run over to the oposite side of the room, where the control panel is. There are two steel pole things that rise above where that ship that comes in stops. Jump up onto the pole and walk up it. When the ship comes in, fall on top of the ship. When the ship starts moving a bit, on the left should be a cave. Jump into that...

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