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How do you have your buttons mapped?


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For every single FPS game, I usually have my buttons mapped like this,


Arrow keys = move forward, backward, and strafe.

Keypad 1 = crouch

keypad 0 = Use

and for JKII CTRL = Use Force


Having it set this way for me doesnt give me good access to all the force powers I have. To switch I press either Z or X to switch powers and use the CTRL key with my pinkie to use whichever force I have selected.


Could anybody help me out and give me a good key mapping to give me good access to the powers I have? Thank you

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Ever since Tribes, I've used this:




A-strafe left

D-strafe right

Q-change weapon


Rclick-alt fire (was actually jetpack, in Tribes :) )


And for JK2 I use E to cycle force, and F to use them

I also have learned to use the scroll wheel on my mouse to switch weps


Oh yeah, and to change stances, I use MOUSE4 (I have a 5-button mouse, for right-handed one's it's the button where your thumb rests)...reaching over to hit "L" took too long when I was in a serious fight.

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a=strafe left

d=strafe right

mouse1=primary attack

mouse2=secondary attack

scroll=switch weapons

mouse3=switch saber stance


and for force since i dont use alot of powers since most of them r useless









i also sometimes set 1-4 keys to force powers, but the rest of the numbers just take to long to reach and the F1,F2,etc. keys are even harder to reach and inefficient (for me) in a tight situation.

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e,s,d,f = forward, back, strafe left, strafe right

shift = crouch

ctrl = walk

space = alt fire

w = shift stance

q = use

left button = attack

right button = jump

mid button = lightning

g = heal or drain

r = absorb

v = speed

c = protect or rage

a = mind trick or grip

z = seeing

mwheelup = push

mwheeldown = pull

alt = +right (for spinning ;P)

\ = taunt


rest are default

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Your gonna love this, in a weird sort of way..... lol :rolleyes:




up - forward

down - back

left - left

right - right

. - crouch

L - strafe left

" - strafe right

/ - secondary fire



mouse: (inverted)


mouse1 - primary fire

mouse2 - jump

mouse3 - stance switcher

mouse wheel up - next weapon

mouse wheel down - previous weapon





k - speed

; - push

] - absorb

, - pull

p - heal

insert - mind trick

delete - protect

home - grip

end - lightning

page up - drain

page down - rage




[ - bacta

enter - use item

j - use

x - sentry

c - seeker

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W - Forward

S - Backward

A - Strafe left

D - Strafe right

Q - Heal

E - Push

R - Next weapon

F - Absorb

C - Crouch

X - Change perspective

Z - Use item

Alt - Use

Tab - Show scores

Shift - Pull

Space - Jump

Mouse1 - Fire

Mouse2 - Alt fire

Mouse3 - Change stances


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WASD - Movement...

Q - Next weapon

E - Use

F - Push

Z - Protect

X - Absorb

C - Heal

Space - Jump

CTRL - Crouch

Mouse1 - Prim. Fire

Mouse2 - Sec. Fire

Mouse3 - Change Stance

G - Change Stance

R - Use bacta

T - Taunt

Shift - Walk


I think that about covers it.

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I use a Microsoft Sidewinder game pad.


the buttons are set up like this:


X - Main Attack

Y - Force Push

Z - Force Pull


A - Secondary Attack

B - Force Grip

C - Jedi Mind Trick


L Trigger - Jump

R Trigger - Force Lightning

Start - Use


Mode keys:


M + A - Change Saber Stance

M + B - Crouch

M + C - Force Heal

M + L - Strafe left

M + R - Strafe Right


If I need to look around, I just use the mouse. No keyboard needed. For Multiplayer, I have a slightly different setup, replacing grip and lightning with protect and absorb. Now if only I could get my Interact Hammerhead to work right I'd have everything on 1 controller w/o need of the mouse :)





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w,a,s,d -Movement

q -Saber stance

f -Use Force power

e -Push

r -Pull

c -Lightsaber

Shift -Walk

Space -Crouch

Ctrl -Use

ä,' -Scroll inventory

Enter -Use inventory item

Numpad + -Quick save

Numpad - -Quick load


MOUSE (inverted)


MOUSE1 -Attack

MOUSE2 -Jump

MOUSE3 -Secondary attack

MOUSEWHEEL -Scroll Force powers

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Why does everyone use the WASD (or similar) configuration for movement? Here's what I use:


S = Forward

Z = Backward

A = Strafe Left

X = Strafe Right



1) It's a much more natural angle to relax your left hand.

2) You can assign 5 keys within 1 key away (up and to the right) from those to commonly used commands like forces, crouching, etc. (These are QWEDC).


And for the mouse, I use:

Left Button = Primary Fire

Right Button = Jump

Wheel Button = Secondary Fire

(so I don't have to take my fingers off the movement keys)


Anyway, this is all pointless debate since we all think our own configs are the best. Whatever works for you, I guess.

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I use the ASDW for movement, and force powers are setup like this:










the scroll whell on the mouse changes weapons, and clicking it changes stance. Right click is alt fire or saber throw

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Boy oh boy, mind are really out there.




< and > = sidestep


mouse3 (thumb button) = fire2

mouse4 (pinky button) = saber change

M = Jump

N = duck

L = (in other games) reload (in JK) use force

; and ' = force power cycle

J,H,G,U,I,O,P,B = assorted force powers

Alt and Ctrl = use

E = saber challange


These evolved from Doom. When i started to play other games where a mouse was needed, my hands had to be in 3 places, so i moved my hand from the arrow pad to the mouse buy putting forward on mouse 2. X and C were too far away, so i moved them to M and N. Eventually I thought i needed a backward key, so K was right there above the jump keys. I dont know how half of them got there, but it works quite well for me.


I also crank up the sensitivity really high (well, not high for me, just right) but none of my friends can control my mouse well when it is that high.

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W - Forward

S - Backward

A - Left

D - Right


Shift (left) - Crouch

Space - Jump


CapsLock - Walk, but I hardly do


MS IntelliMouse:


Mouselook - Inverted, ever since my descent days


Mouse 1 - Primary Fire

Mouse 2 - Secondary Fire

Mouse 3 - Change Saber Stance

Mouse 4 - Force Push

Mouse 5 - Force Pull


Wheel Up - Previous Weapon

Wheel Down - Next Weapon


Force Powers:


Q - Previous force power

E - Next force power

F - Use force power


R - Absorb/Lightning

T - Absorb/Lightning panic button (hehe...)

F - Heal/Drain (Usually the aforementioned force selected)

G - Heal/Drain panic button (hehe...)

C - Force Seeing

X - Force Seeing

V - Protect/Grip (but I hardly use them)




1 - Saber

2-0 - Weapons I don't use


B - Bacta tank

Alt or K - Challenge to a duel


N - Taunt

, - Jan Model

M - Stormtrooper model

H - Rebornboss model

J - Rebornacrobat model

K - Rebornfencer model







I use the ASDW config because back when I played descent 3, I used AZSDFE. That is, AZ for/back, ED up/down, SF left/right. So when I got into first persons again, it was a natural progression. I simply changed ED to space/shift for jump/crouch. Also, because of my days as a dogfighter, I simply CANNOT play without the mouse inverted. It just makes sense to me to play that way.


For an interesting experience, try playing Red Faction. You'll find that all the controls you use now are worthless. I found that I had to apply the descent controls to it.


To each his own though...

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A = jump

S = crouch

D = primary attack

F = forward

Space = back

Q = pull

W = push

E = secondary fire

R = change stance

T = use

Caps = force use (usually absorb)

X = change force power

Shift = Protect

C = Mind Trick

V = Heal

Strafe Left = Mouse left

Strafe Right = Mouse right

G = duel challenge


this is my setup for all shooter games, and i regard it as superior as my fingers are more spread out for more buttons and with this I have several slots for extra functions, jedi knight actually uses them all as i have six slots for force powers. I usually use four or five.

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I came up with this the first time I played JO (ok, so I slightly tweaked once or twice), and I can't imagine anyone playing with anything else...




S-strafe left

F-strafe right





R-force Speed

T-force seeing

CapsLock-Use (buttons)

Shift-toggle walk/run

Z-prev item

X-next item

A-use item








(F1-F4 replace 1-4 weapon selects respectively)


Mouse 1-Primary fire

Mouse 2-Secondary fire

Mouse 3(push wheel down) saber-stance select

Mousescrollwheel-weapon select

Mouse move-look(duh!)


I like it because it's all cluttered together (little movement required, easy fingering memorization), it's the natural placement of fingers on a QWERTY keyboard, and like QWERTY, it keeps the most commonly used keys closest to finger position at rest, and spreads out proportionally to a key's use.

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A-strafe left

D-strafe right

Q-change weapon


Rclick-alt fire (was actually jetpack, in Tribes )



Ditto. :D


B - Bacta

Ctrl - Take Screenshot (tga format)

Left and Right Arrows - Cycle Weapons

F-keys - In order, Saber, Bryar, E-11, Tenloss, Bowcaster, Repeater, DEMP2, Golan Arms, Merr-sonn PLX

[ and ]: Cycle Items

Enter: Use item

Then, for force powers (I don't use the cycle function):

Mousewheel up - push

Mousewheel down - pull (I find this to work very well, since I'm literally pushing or pulling the wheel)

Mouse 3 - Jedi Mind Trick or Grip, depending on which side I'm using

1 - Speed

2 - Force Heal

3 - JMT again (if mouse 3 fails)

4 - Seeing

5-7 - Other force powers I rarely use

8, 9 - Binded name commands, for clan events, etc.

0 - Dark Rage

Q - Absorb or Lightning, Side-willing

KP_home, KP_PGUP - Bound message keys

KP_5 - model lando/default

KP_End - model trandoshan/default

KP_PGDN - model stormtrooper/default

KP_Ins - model luke/default

KP_Del - model energytrooper/default

KP_Enter - model bobafett/default


And when running my custom Merc.cfg script:

Ins - saber color toggle

Home - Switch canned message

Pgup - Say selected message

Del, Pgdn - Toggle skin selection

End - Toggle skin team affiliation

Delete - Apply selected skin


That's it for the ones I use. No, my script does not use any "cheap" functions. :p


Oh yes, and o for taunt, p for perspective. :)


Merc out. :fett:

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I have a VERY different and probably unique control scheme that i've been using since duke nukem' 3D plutonium pack.


A = jump

Z = duck

Q = Strafe Left

W = Strafe Right

E =Force push

S = force pull

X = choke

C = Mind trick

D = Heal

F3 = speed

V = absorb

R = lighting

F = taunt

Left mouse = fire

Right mouse = run

Shift = backward

Alt = alt fire

Mouse 3 = saber style

space = use

capslock = toggle run/walk

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