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Green Maul Skin


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Greetings, exaulted ones...


A while ago I downloaded a green-skinned Darth Maul skin that I have been trying for a long time to get working. Whenever I tried to use it, all I got was an invisible character, just a lightsaber, or whatever weapon, floting in the air (obviously pretending to be a real skin...) I opened up the pk3 file and found that it needed the robeless maul skin, which I quickly located and downloaded, only to find that little improvement to my situation had come about. Now the hood, his eyeballs, and teeth show up, and I think the hands too, but still no green-skinned torso. I was wondering if anyone here has downloaded this skin and been able to use it. It looked cool on the download page, so I'd liketo try it out. As a token of good will, I offer you a gift... *points* :r2d2::c3po: these two droids. Both are hardworking and will serve you well.... :D hehehehe


Thanks people!

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I can't find it (green_mauler.zip) on jediknightii.net anymore and I don't see it on massassi either, so I'll try and post it on some server space tonight. I probably need to reinstall jk2 or something, because I've also found that 2 models I have based on the jedi and/or jedi trainer models will show all 3 versions (default, red, and blue) in FFA games, but in team games they simply show the base model (ie: the jedi model). The two culprits are the 3-pack of Star Trek skinned jedi, and the armoured Kyp skin. Im current;y downloading cversion 2 of the Jaden armour, so that may fix that problem, but jeeeeeez this is annoying. Do you still happen to have the Green Maul skin? Or am I imagining all this... :eyeraise: Oh, and dont be so hard on the droids, they've just had a run of bad luck, its their lot in life, you know...








Actually, it would probably work properly on your machine... damn my lot in life! but if you want some cool invisible skins you should check out this file here http://www.massassi.net/levels/files/2116.shtml

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Actually, the darned thing doesn't work. He's all invisible. I'm thinking that its the .skin file, somehow. I'd have to make a more concerted effort to look, but you'd think there'd be nothing wrong: since there's a screenshot, it must have worked at some point. The textures actually look kind of nifty. I like the green.

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Originally posted by sights0d

Actually... I just realized... I don't think I have the robeless maul skin... can you post that one too?


yeah, Im posting that right now....come on slow ineternet connection...oh, no, dont die now, not in the middle of the upload...sithspit!...reconnecting...all right, here we go...come on, keep on trucking...obviously my hyperdrive's been tampered with, cuz were moving at sublight speeds here...hehe...and yet its also not so funny...hmmm, that's some deep thinking...ok, finally done. Yeah so the skin is up now, check it out: http://www.angelfire.com/me/bmichol/greenmaul.html

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