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ERROR: opSTack corrupted in compiled code

Lord Sokar

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Somebody help me! My 1.02 Linux dedicated server keeps freaking out with this error message:


Kill: 1 3 3: Link Statik killed Newbie ! Kenobi by MOD_SABER

Item: 3 item_medpac

Item: 0 item_shield_lrg_instant

Item: 3 item_shield_sm_instant

Item: 3 item_shield_sm_instant

broadcast: print "Link Statik @@@PLDUELACCEPT Nadagor!\n"

Kill: 1 0 3: Link Statik killed Nadagor by MOD_SABER


ERROR: opStack corrupted in compiled code


----- Server Shutdown -----

Sending heartbeat to masterjk2.ravensoft.com

Sending heartbeat to masterjk2.ravensoft.com

==== ShutdownGame ====



AAS shutdown.




Can anyone shed some light on this? Is there anything I can do? If necessary, I will post my config file, but it's pretty simple, not alot of crazy settings.


Oh, and please don't bother me with 'upgrade to 1.03' BS. If 1.03 was my only choice for playing, I would have left this game long ago.

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Matrix, you da man. Well, at least the change is made, we'll see if it works, but I have much confidence.


Anyhoo, what can I do to talk you into those long asked for versions that are pre 1.02c? I'm still having the problem with RCON that will only list the first 4 clients and then ends immediatly after that. I would love to see if one of those previous versions fixes this problem because I can find a damn thing else that helps.


Nothing worse than saying your going to kick someone and not being able to follow through.




If you do have them and can send them, my email is courtney@housequake.net.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

Matrix, you da man. Well, at least the change is made, we'll see if it works, but I have much confidence.


Anyhoo, what can I do to talk you into those long asked for versions that are pre 1.02c? I'm still having the problem with RCON that will only list the first 4 clients and then ends immediatly after that. I would love to see if one of those previous versions fixes this problem because I can find a damn thing else that helps.


Nothing worse than saying your going to kick someone and not being able to follow through.




If you do have them and can send them, my email is courtney@housequake.net.

RCON status was broken from the word go. No version prior to 1.03 performed any differently. Now, from what I remember, server console status on win ded servers was also broken in 1.02c only. You'd have to confirm that for me if you are so affected. My recommendation is to have access to the server console via ssh or pcanywhere so you can boot the buggers di-rect-ly. ;)
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