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Ideal Force Powers


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For the all around multiplayer ffa player, what are the ideal force powers? Dark and Light.

I do a little bit of everything.

I get annoyed with ass fighters

and cheap shot people.

So when there are a lot of them I like to hide and say screw you. Until someone worth fighting comes along in that case I either duel them or face them fairly.

I would really like a perfect situation for all these. So please tell me. Any help would be appreciated.

O and I heard this one thing thats binded that if you hold it you lay down. Does anyone know wwhat it is. Its for my hiding.

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For me, I prefer......

Force Jump: 3 (natch!)

Force Push: 3 (just in case I can get in a sneaky push-to-a-fall-to-certain-doom, or if someone tried to missile me)

Force Seeing: 1 (In case someone decides to use mind trick)

Force Absorb: 3 (to piss off all those push/pull/drain/lightening/grip spammers)

Force Healing: 3 (a fallback)

Force Offense/Defense: 3 (any lower is stupidity)

Force Throw: 3 (to give ass-first fighters a sting in the tail)


Of course, this is on Jedi Master. I'd re-adjust according to force level.

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hrmmm, get pull level 3, to help counter people pulling you. get rid of healing. get rid of throw level 3, level 1 is fine for most situations. perhaps more levels in seeing, up to level 2 for the ability to see players through walls, and perhaps some points into protection.

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