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Plo Koon, the robes dilemma pool


How would you like the Plo Koon Model?  

76 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you like the Plo Koon Model?

    • With Robes (Geonosis Arena)
    • Without Robes (Jedi Power Battles)

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Instead of swarming the Plo Koon model thread with robes no robes bickering. Let's post our preferences in this poll. So what would you prefer? Plo Koon with Robes Geonosis Arena Style? Or without Robes Jedi Power Battles style? The "I want both" is not an option now, that will be up to the modeller to decide eventualy,





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i still think both should be made (not mad just saying) i know its more work, but i think the aftereffect will be worth it...also someone said it would be cool if the whole jedi council was made...nice thought...but jeesh..thats alot of jedis......like over 15...might as well be a mod about the jedi council heh...which wouldn't be bad ;)


but if i ahd to vote...i think Plo Koon looks best in robed atire...gives him a more mysterious look...as stated before...he doesn't talk but uses telepathy...so since he doesn't really talk it maks him kinda mysterious...and the robed looked looking even more mysterious...well...at least hooded anyway =O\ lol

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The poll will be officially over at 12:00 midnight pacific time. So make your votes or forever hold youre piece. I for one promote unrobed for a couple of reasons. One, it will probably animate alot better with less issues, and secondly because the creator is the most amazing cloth modeler I've ever seen. And while his robes I'm sure would look unbelievably cool, The tunic and pants would look even cooler with all the wrinkles and folds that he does. Trust me, vote unrobed!!!

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If it's done well, it doesn't have to look bad at all. Plo Koon's robes don't puff out much at all on his upper torso, so that part can be modelled directly on the torso. The lower robes should work well if they're done right, and I have faith that they will be :) Vote Robes in '02!

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Hmm, the two choices really don't look that different at all. I would say the modeler should just choose which one he/she feels they could do better based on their ability and the number of remaining polys. If the robe will end up looking blocky and simple due to poly restraints, then I'd like unrobed. But if this guy is as good as you say he is, then I think it would be awsome if he could do some great looking robes. You must admit, plo koon fighting in well-made robes would look much cooler.

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