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Earning respect !


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Originally posted by DarthCobra

70% of the time i duel. Some idiot is sitting there with his saber off waiting for me too bow. Well im not going to. I will not attack before the duel if they wanna get their silly bow outta the way. Im just really sick of hearing about it, and having ppl acutally expect it.


And I havent been young in a very long time.

And I have always been a darksider.


Your pretty confident . . SWEEET!

I like fighting you guys . . you bitch the loudest with my saber through your chest. Be a pleasure.

Oh and I will bow . . not for you, but for me. It's not a gesture of YOUR honor . . its MINE.

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One good way is to "bow" w/ your saber on. That way, if they are a lamer and attack, you can at least block it (somewhat), and still show the respect.


What's really lame is the people who bow, then attack w/ lightning/drain/pull/push/saber throw while you are bowing....


As a safety measure, bow far away as possible, if you are gonna bow.

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