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Will Someone make a Goku Model plz?

SithLord Maul

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explain to me then if DBZ dont fit in then how does spiderman and like green lantern and all that stuff? if u modelers and skinners are maken those why not make a DBZ goku one? u have to admit i got a point there. and also DBZ can fit in like hydro ball did. I would make my own Goku model but i dont have the programs/ knowlege of useing one/ or the temper to mess with the program when its not working right. and im already a mapmaker :) so that keeps me busy enough, later


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I love how DBZ is always dismissed so readily. Of course, seeing what it is here, that does not surprise me much. Dragonball itself, however, is a much deeper, complex story that has its routes in one of the four Great Novels of China, the Record of the Journey West. Son-kun is based on the Monkey God Son Gokuu, the main protagonist. Gyuu Maou the Ox King is also from the original story. Master Muten [the perverted master whose name is incorrectly read as Roshi here] too comes from the novel, though I believe he has a different name. What I find vaguely humorous is that the translators failed to realize the name they gave him here is actually his title, not his name: Roushi is one of the highest ranks of Zen Buddhism. Bloomer, named after very tight gym shorts worn by Japanese girls, also has her origins in the novel, though obviously with a very different name.


You have to learn an appreciation for Japanese humor and Toriyama's twisted mind. Even names can be mildly humorous, like the Briefs family. You've got Doctor Briefs, his daughter Bloomer, and her children Trunks and Bra. The Saiyajin are all vegtables. Bejiita-ouji [Prince Vegetable], Nappa [a type of beet], Raditsu [radish] and Kakarotto [carrot]. The humor throughout the entire series is adult in nature, as anyone can attest to if they know why Muten-roushi the Kame Sennin handed over his Dragonball to Bloomer and Son-kun, or what Son-kun likes to use for a pillow. Unfortunately, there are young ones about, so you'll have to read it for yourself.


The point of this rather lengthy off-topic post, though, is to remind people not to show disrespect to something they completely do not understand; it might yet yield layers far more complex than you realize. Dragonball is only a simple example; the lesson applies to everything, if you only stop to think.

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You're completely right, Harukaze!! I couldn't have said it any better.


But why do you always prefer to call Son Goku "Son-kun"? With the -kun it would be Goku-kun though, like the often call him Goku-sama... Of course with the japanese first saying of the surname, then the given name, Son-kun would make sense, but then one wouldn't know if its Son Goku, Son Gohan or even Son Goten.


OK, I'm really going off-topic now, so back to it: I am planning on DBZ Models for a DBZ TC for JKII, but I am in the learning-phase as of yet, but as time goes one... who knows...


Peace & Respect

-- Aetherfukz

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Originally posted by Lucko Mabri

Yeah..... Massassi...... The one with better forums than lucasforums *Cough!*Not!*Cough!*


vBullatin is better than UBB, but at least Massassi's forums don't go down all the time like these do...


And what's up with people thinking there's competition between these sites? There's not.


As for the model, I highly doubt someone will make it for you. Learn to model yourself.

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Originally posted by Aetherfukz

But why do you always prefer to call Son Goku "Son-kun"? With the -kun it would be Goku-kun though, like the often call him Goku-sama...


kun is actually Japanese for mister just like san. Buruma always calls Gokuu Son-Kun in the comics, just because. And all you people who say the DBZ anime sucks. You're right.


However, the manga kicks so much ass it could blow anything else out of the water. better drawings, faster moving plot, and a hell of a lot funnier.


In case you don't know, manga is a name for japanese comics.

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Originally posted by JangoFett41


kun is actually Japanese for mister just like san. Buruma always calls Gokuu Son-Kun in the comics, just because. And all you people who say the DBZ anime sucks. You're right.


ummm thats not entirely correct, japanease are really big on status, and while u could substitute san for kun whenever you wanted, you would probly get mugged or killed :)


you only use kun, if u are talking to somone of equal or lesser status than you. if your boss's name is frank, and u call him frank-kun, well theres no shurer way to get fired :) they call him goku-kun in DB because he is a little kid, and basically of lesser social status than everyone else. the same way that chichi (japanese for mother) always calls gonhan "gohan-kun"... she will also spout it off at goku sometimes if shes really peaved about something.


u should probly know japanese before you go around correcting people :)


back to being on topic, i used to love DBZ, made a few jk1 mods for DBZ myself, but that was a long time ago and im not really into it anymore. if you really want however, BFP ddid release a vegeta model like a year or two ago, and lots of reskins/adaptations were made to it, including ssj 1, 2, and 3, of almsot everyone, so u can go download it if ya want. dunno where exactly, but i sued to play with ssj3 caractors all the time in q3, shouldnt be too aweful much trouble to convert them over to JK2, unless u really dont know anything bout it...just cap teh model and segment it, put in all the tags and weight it, and i think thats about it :)

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Here is a generalization.

More 'Younger' people enjoy watching DBZ then 'older' people. And by older, I mean over 18 or so. And how many 'good' modellers that know how to make good prefessional quality models are under the age of 18? I don't think that there are that many. Sure there are some here and there, but how many of them are enough of a DBZ fan to make a model?


Another reason why DBZ has been looked down upon in regards to gaming-


"The license holder has indicated, by way of a Cease & Desist order to the Bid for Power mod, that they do not wish mod activity to continue using their copyrights and trademarks. AT this time, we are considering disallowing help requests for mods based on the copyrighted and/or trademarked material belonging to someone other than those creating the mod. Any threads on requests for DBZ mods will be closed."

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bad animation+bad story+trendy style= no model


I dont want some guy standing around for thirty minutes before a duel telling me what he's going to do, then thinking about it, then finding out we didn't duel because he took too long and having to wait for the next episode.:band: :band: :band:

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hehe, when you critisize DBZ u gotta remember how old it is. it stopped production in like 95, so its no wonder not many people are really into it right now.


asking somone to do a goku model is like asking somone to do a superman model :) or a transformers one. its jsut simply not that popular anymore...


so dont expect too many results


and also kman, to delete threads on DBZ stuff because funi put a cease and desist order on it is stupid imo, lucasforums o anyone else can not be held leagally responcible for people posting about it on their forums, so why should they care?? anyhow, im not a mod or site admin, so obviously my opinion doesnt count, but id just figured id state it anyhow, cause im pretty sure that the only people who could be held leagally responcible for the making of a DBZ mod, is the mod makers themselvs...


although i do hate funi now, not because im overly in love with DBZ, but because tehy are doing this jsut so that their thrid rate company they contracted to make their DBZ game can geta few stupid unsuspecting little kids to actually buy it... oh well... hehe im gonna leave this thread now :p

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Originally posted by Chrioboy

I dont want some guy standing around for thirty minutes before a duel telling me what he's going to do, then thinking about it, then finding out we didn't duel because he took too long and having to wait for the next episode.:band: :band: :band:


lmao, so true... yet its still entertaining to me.

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