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Will Someone make a Goku Model plz?

SithLord Maul

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It wouldn't make you confused if you knew Japanese ; ) Take Jinzouningen Juuhachigou for instance. Jinzou - artificial; ningen - human; juu - ten; hachi - eight; gou - number. So all told you get Artificial Human #18. Of course, with Juuhachigou and Juunanagou, they're really not "artificial" at all; they're quite human, with a few enhancements. It's quite humorous in the truly uncut versions when Kuririn has to answer how he has a kid with someone everyone else thought was a robot.


And wow, have we gotten far afield of the topic.

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well, just for a thought i think it would b reasonably hard to model a decent goku or vegeta model, as there cartoons, iused to watch it but i stopped,


if its possible, could u somehow make the facial thetures on the models more human like rather than cartoon style, like more flat imean, cause cartoons tend to hav a line or something to show a cheak bone :p


just b cool if he cou,ld look more human like, like in the mace-windu and other models :)


hope im of some help craig xx

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Far afield Harukaze? No, this thread went far afield several dozen posts ago. In fact it went out the fields front gate and was hit by an 18-wheeler and knocked into a low orbit where it will spiral down and burn up on re-entry.

I wanted to know what sort of discussion has so many posts, I still want to know :D


I'd better go now, I wont be back....

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aparantly there are two sides to this thread those who want or support models of the anime persuasion and those who.... uh ... dont.


as for modeling the faces, i dont think you would have to sacrifice the cartoon look and feel to bring it into 3d enviroment. it should really be easier to model a cartoon than it would be to model a real person (not speaking from experience cuz i have none)


personnally im all for anime based models, even if i can count all the series ive seen on one hand.


the only problem i think would be the eyes (how did they do it on q3?) would it be large modeled eyes, or painted on with the skin.

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Very likely large, modeled eyes. I think I saw someone working on a model with rather large eyes. How the game handles blinking though, that's another story. Of course, some models don't seem to care about being able to blink, and so have the eyes painted right on the skin. The question is, how do you tell it whether or not it should try?


And no matter how many you've seen, I think I know someone who beats you. He's the American expert on DBZ [not an exageration; he writes most of the articles for a DBZ magazine and has recently interviewed Toriyama himself... he's also interviewed some of the FUNimation crew but refuses ever to speak to them again ^_^], and his collection encompasses about 60-80 different series. He just got back from Japan, again, and probably picked up a few new goodies. He made thousands selling fansubs of DBZ before it was licensed here, and continues to make a good 10K a year on the magazine... considering he's only a sophomore in college, that's a pretty damn sweet deal.


You know... I should talk to him about this... I'm pretty certain he's taken some computer art classes last semester, maybe 3d modelling was among them.

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Bump bump bump bump bump.....bump bump..


Kool ideas btw!! A Goku model, Trunks model, Android 18 model, Vegeta model, all that would be tight to see!! Can't wait to see what happens. I'll keep on checking in. Until then.





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terror did u not see the post that said anyone here to make fun of dbz or whatever u wana call it TO LEAVE! we dont wana waste our time with u guys, who cares if u dont like the show, start your own thread and do that, this thread is to make DBZ models, specificly Goku for now and more later. if u dont like it too bad just leave us alone.

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Not to be mean or anything but you guys are all idiots! What does it matter if a skin or model fits in the game. If you like it make it. Remember JK??? There were so many skins that did not fit with the SW theme. A few of them were my skins the Camo ones that came with the WAR mods. There were so many skins that did not fit in with the SW theme but people liked them. Like Santa, Spawn, DC comic heros, DBZ/anime, and all kinds of stuff. I remember the Bill Clinton skin I don't think that fits too well with the SW theme but people liked it. Running around as clinton was fun. It shouldent matter if it fits in with the rest. All that should matter is if you like it and you are having fun. I think the SW skins look all the same they get borning. I think people should make what they like and just forget these "rules" Th guy that is a GL fan but won't download the skin because it won't fit in is just stupid. Who cares. Ever play Q3??? What the hell is the difference. People dont complane when they have some tiny skinny chick in tight clothes with huge boob running around holding a giant rocket launcher. She would fall right on here face from the weight of the weapon and her boobs. Finishing this up... PEOPLE it doesnt matter if it fits... The only thing that matters is if you like it and your having fun using it.


(I use to like DBZ but its getting so lame with the same old thing over and over dub more or stop showing it thats what I think. Anyway im tired I can't think to well so if my typing is crappy thats why :D)

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DBZ Rules and it does go with star wars i would love to see goku runin around with a lightsaber or a gun. A brolly or goku model would be awesome so somebody please make one! I have the tools to make a model i just dont know how to use Max 4. I would make 1 if someone is willing to help.

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Hmm... we must destoy goku and then we must rebild him so he can be in star wars univers




this is goku in the matrix univers

perfeckt fit whoudent u say


enyway i cant care les about this

u can say iv bin ther don that my interest in dbz is gone

i have moved on to things like tenchi trigun and metalpanic

and so on

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Originally posted by circatm2001

DBZ Rules and it does go with star wars i would love to see goku runin around with a lightsaber or a gun. A brolly or goku model would be awesome so somebody please make one! I have the tools to make a model i just dont know how to use Max 4. I would make 1 if someone is willing to help.



i dont know anything about max 4 but i wana check out the website for it, can u tell me the link please.

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Originally posted by Kakarotto

DBZ was not meant for kids but they brought it over to American thinking all cartoons are made for kids and they made the series suitible for childrin. I just hate more than anything how everybody gets the wrong impression about anime. I learned all my japanese swearwords from the origional japanese DBZ. Such as Kuso = ****. I can garentee the anime movie Ninja Scroll has more violence than anything you have watched, and the Anime series Evangelion has a deeper plot that anything you have watched.


Just because it doesnt have live actors in it doesnt mean its for children. I think Pokemon and Digimon and all those other anime went for japanese children gives everyone the wrong impression about japanese animation. :o


ok i just wanted to say that you tyotally misjudges my post. i have the full (292?) set of episodes on VCD in japanese for DBZ, watched em, loved em for about 3 years, but that was a while ago. ive also seen lots of Evangelon which i still love, as well as ghost in teh shell.


i am well aware that lots of anime is for adults, like evangelion, but that doesnt change the fact taht DBZ was originally marketed for kids, why do you think if you get the cheapo jap TV rips off the internet they have commercials for DBZ toys, backpacks and all other sorts of memorobilia similar to that in the united state, which is amrketed for kids.


also whoever said something about DBZ lasting till 98 is way off base, that was DBGT which wasnt even made by the same guy, and is way different, and imo extremely lame :)


and for all you complaining that this thread dont belong on this forum, just dont look at it, it deserves to be here as much as anything else and granted there are a lot of seemingly immature people here, but like i said, u dont like it dont look at it. the argument that it is clogging up the forums is rediculouse... that is jsut your way of saying that you dont like this thread, and since you dont like it it automatically shouldnt be here, but the forums will never be censored exactly to your liking, so chill out.


and BTW pls dont correct me on my grammer i know inm an offal speeler :)

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