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ATTN: Twi'Lek Female skinners


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would any of you by any chance have the wireframes that Spacermonkey sent to us still laying around or flesh baseplates that I could use? I know Bradfu made some but he can't find them. Anyone? I would like to use them in my Senna update.



Note: This is NOT a thread to trash Senna in. I already know it was not quite as good as Bradfu's and the other guys'. That is why I am making a new version :)



And for good measure, this is the head for my revision. New%20skin.jpg

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I'd be interested in having the mesh files too. Its too much of a pain to guess where the mesh actually is in the already skinned files. Personally I think all modellers should release the meshes, it sure would make for better, origional skins.

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If you check in the modelling thread and find the thread for that particular model, there should have been an "SDK" file made available for the skinners to work from. You can then download that, and get your skinmaps from there.

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