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I'm bored and need an idea for a player model. Place your ideas here.


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Okay, D is finished, he is ingame, and I'm finally glad I'm playing

as him. I also converted the saber hilt into a complete replica of

his sword by the way. It doesn't even show the saber glow and

works like a real sword.


Anyway I'm in need of some ideas for a player model. And please

don't let it be one with a cape. mcowart already had a terrible

fight with getting the other one weighted correctly for D.That's

why I'm not putting my finished model of the Vampire King

Dracula ingame for a while. mcowart is still pissed off at me for the

last model.


Well, just place your ideas here and I'll see what I can do for you

people. And I do believe mcowart just might make a few

"beginners tutorials" for those of you who were wondering.

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Okay, I guess I need to get this cleared up:


-DS-Tha- Skurge: I haven't released the D model yet, I still have

yet to get off my a$$ and get it sent in for downloading.And

who the hell is Sephiroth? You're gonna have to show me some

pictures. Well, the ninja from Metal Gear Solid 1 would be pretty

cool I guess. I'll think about it man.


Master Burner: I'm sorry to say this man, but you really don't

want me trying to make a female model. I'm no good at making

them whatsoever. I wish I did have more skill on making them

so I could make Iria from the Iria: Zeiram Anime.

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Originally posted by VampireHunterD

Okay, I guess I need to get this cleared up:


-DS-Tha- Skurge: I haven't released the D model yet, I still have

yet to get off my a$$ and get it sent in for downloading.And

who the hell is Sephiroth? You're gonna have to show me some

pictures. Well, the ninja from Metal Gear Solid 1 would be pretty

cool I guess. I'll think about it man.


Master Burner: I'm sorry to say this man, but you really don't

want me trying to make a female model. I'm no good at making

them whatsoever. I wish I did have more skill on making them

so I could make Iria from the Iria: Zeiram Anime.



Bummer :(

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Hey, I've got it, how about this idea:


I'll build an IG-88 assassin droid model. How does that sound

for an idea? Or is someone already working on one?


If no one is.... I was wondering if any of you people could direct

me to some good links that had some pictures showing his

entire body.

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IG-88 would be cool :D


My vote, however, is for Ki-Adi Mundi :D As far as I'm aware, no one is working on him right now (if someone is, please let me know :D ) I would love to see the entire Jedi Council eventually. We've got Yoda being worked on, Mace Windu looking excellent, but that seems to be about it. Ki-Adi is one of my favorite Jedi :) I've also got a SP mod brewing in my head that might just need Ki Adi :)

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Okay, I've made my decision. Here's the 2 models I'm going to

attempt to make:


the first is IG-88.


the second is Ki-Adi Mundi. Oh yeah Bradfu I'll need pictures of

him if you don't mind trying to find me some. And by the way

how is your alien jedi model idea going?



Alright, you people can keep making your requests, but don't

expect me to get around to looking over them anytime soon.

It looks like I'm going to be rather busy for quite a while.

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Cool! Can't wait to see both of those models :D


As for Ki-Adi reference shots, here's a couple, you very well may not need any more than these:


http://www.theforce.net/multimedia/archive/Images/Episode_1/Characters/Jedi_Council/Ki-Adi_Mundi/Ki-Adi.jpg <-- this one is a great multi-angle body shot, shows Front, Side, Back, should give you pretty much everything you need for making a good body.


Head Shots:





Hope those give you what you need :)


As for my alien jedi, I've done most of the upper torso, but it's not great. I'm very very new to modelling, so that guy isn't going to be in-game anytime soon :) I'm hoping someone eventually is interested in it enough to take on the project, otherwise I'll just keep workin on it and learning :)

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this should show some pics of sephiroth.........not very good ones..................& thanks for taking in my ideas



P.S. i found some pics of of that IG-88............the thing looks kinda bulky and..............the ninja would be way cooler



but the final decision is yours i guess


good luck on tha model

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