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Wip: Nikto!


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Some of you may not know what a Nikto is. All I know about them is that one of their species was a Jedi Knight in the movie Episode 2. He fought in the Clone Wars. When I get images of him, I'll post them. (I am making this model off of the action figure).

***I'm having a little trouble with 3DSMax, I'd love to have some help or tutorials. Thanks***

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Oh my gosh you have no Idea how much I appreciate that. Will this help me use 3DSMax or will it teach me to actually make the models themselves? I have 3DSMax (thanks to a friend who's dad is like a graphics freak and owns tons of software). I really need to know how to get the xsi plugin to work in 3DSmax. I have Ravens SDK and editing tools pack but don't know how or where to get the XSI thing to work.

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First off, do not insult my intelligence. I know what WIP means. Secondly, don't doubt that it isn't a WIP unless I have specifically said, I haven't started yet. For your information, I have drawn many sketches and scanned them and have them inserted into 3DSMax. I also have the boxes constructed somewhat. I merely asked for some help with 3DSmax b/c I don't understand how to shape the boxes the way I want them to be shaped. Sorry if I came off as a jerk but It is a WIP and I know what WIP means.

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well you are taking the definition for a WIP pretty litterally, but i suppose this could be one....


anyhow, ur gonna wanna check out a crap load of tutrials, go to the sticky at the top entitiled "read this before u ask a question" it has info on jk2 modeling recources....

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Originally posted by FeurGrissa

well you are taking the definition for a WIP pretty litterally, but i suppose this could be one....


anyhow, ur gonna wanna check out a crap load of tutrials, go to the sticky at the top entitiled "read this before u ask a question" it has info on jk2 modeling recources....

I'm sorry if I offended anyone for this thread. I don't want to be an outlaw on these forums b/c of this. I just wanted to post about this new model that I'm working on. If I'm not correct, doesn't Work In Progress mean that you are working ON the model. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have screens or are almost finished. Anyway FeurGrissa, thx for the help.

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hehe yeah, i havnt made a WIP thread for my mod ive thought about doing yet either hehe, but hell probly never do this again. so it dont really matter to me if there is one extra thread on the forum, its pretty easy to glance through and pick out threads of intrest, even with all the other clutter.

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You know what. You two are really being a royal pain in the butt about this. I mean, for christs sake just lay off. I heard rumors about the people at LucasForums always wanting to argue and constantly being bossy, and now I guess it's true. I have what, 15 posts? Hmm it may just be me, but I think I'm a little new around here. You don't have to post like 5 times telling me how stupid it is to post a WIP with out any screens. If you're mods then close it, if you're not then don't worry about it. You talk about cluttering up the forums, well posting continuously about NOT cluttering the forums clutters them up more. Now please if you don't mind, stop with all this stuff.

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I don't care about clutter. I just think it's stupid to post a WIP without screenshots. You're attracting people looking for screenshots, then they'll probably flame you for not having screenshots and send tons of insults toward you. Just giving advise.

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yep same here.... just giving advice...


im a relitive newb too, just thought it was kinda odd that u posted a WIP for a model that wasnt actually in progress yet...


i mean most people post wip's to show off their models, but if this is how you wanna do it then whatever hehe

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Okay then. Back onto topic. On my action figure he has a cloak on with a hood. I have decided though that I think he looks cooler without the cloak. The cloak kind of makes him look like a "wannabe jedi" and not a real one. and I Expect to have some EARLY screens in a day or so (hah, see it is a WIP lol). Don't expect texturing yet though.

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Yeah...uh, don't let them turn you off of the forums. It's really no big deal that you didn't post images or anything, its not like WIP has some sacred definition that must never be altered or violated. As for the cloak thing, definitely go for no cloak, unless you want to have a whole lot of fun with weighting and clipping problems. There have only been a couple instances so far where such a thing has been done well.

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Thanks a whole lot guys. You have made me feel a whole lot better (and helped to prove my point). Anyway back to Nikto! I have created his torso completely, working on his arms, and have his legs finished but I really don't like them so I may do them again. Also, he has a small skirt (I think that's what you'd call it). Should I design that on him with the torso or wait untill later?

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Hopefully you haven't done his head yet and you still only have one side of the body. If you don't, delete one side and work on the remaining side, and add the skirt thing. Then mirror it as a copy and attach it when u think it looks good. This helps the symmetry of the model a whole lot. Good Luck.

- Wolf :jawa

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I only have the torso completely there (of course it is mirrored) so that I can make sure he doesn't look gay when I mirror the whole thing. I deleted the arms and legs b/c when on the mirrored torso they look really strange. Do you guys use boxes when making arms and lets b/c I've been using cylinders. I'm going to try boxes though b/c for the arms and legs it's harder. Also I know that I'll have to edit the model when I import the root.xsi thing. How do I do that (I'm using 3DStudio Max 4.2 and I have the SDK and Editing Tools from Raven). Thanks a bunch and I'll keep you updated. As soon as I get the head and arms and legs done (probably later this week) I'll post screens.

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I want to wish you the best of luck with this model, can't wait to see how it turns out :) Even though I haven't picked up the toy (my toy budget is sadly limited these days :( ), it's still one of my favorite AOTC figures. And as I've said many times before, the more alien Jedi, the better! :D

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I would also like to throw my support behind you. I've said this before and I'll say it again. Emon, if you have nothing helpful to say, go away. I'm sick of you insulting everyone every chance you get. What "we expect" is not for you to say. You can say you expect it, but don't speak for the community. And until you're willing to get up and do a Nikto model yourself, then shut the hell up and let Link-er post his thread. His model is indeed work in progress, and he's asking the community for a little help and a little bit of conceptual feedback before he commits to something specific. This is what shapes a project into something truly worth both making and using.


As far as my actual feedback goes, I would like it if you could make the clothing very simple, so that a talented skinner could turn your model into the nameless Jedi Knight of Episode II or into a Morgukai assassin or something new altogether. Personally I would love to take on a good Morgukai, so I wish you the best of luck with this model.


~ Michael

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I'm glad all of you people are taking my side. It really humbles me to see so many people helping me. As for the model, I am excited to get it done. I so far have not commited myself to the arms and legs yet, I'm working on his head + face right now. I want to make it as good as possible. I am modeling this one from the action figure but I took the cape off (his arms are still caped though so I'll have to come up with something else hehe). I have one screen that I took a couple of days ago. The head is different now and the torso has some minor changes. Keep in mind, this is very early and is just to give a small example of the torso of this character. I kind of bulked him up a bit so he wouldn't look SOO creepy and smal hehehe. Oh man, this stinks, I don't have my FTP client installed. Alright it's installed. Uploading picture...




Keep in mind that is just a very VERY early model of the torso and where I was just starting the head (the head has been re-vamped though).


Update: I have worked on his head a bit today. I came up with this. It looks great from the front (with the exception of his mouth area, which I am still working on. Also on the side view, it needs a lot of work (so I didn't post a screen of that hehe).


keep in mind that's for an early image of his head (no eyes, hardly a mouth. Just need a little feedback mainly about sizes).

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Okay. I have an updated model. I sort of fixed his mouth a little (by changing the shape of his head) and I have nearly fixed the bug of him having a strange looking head from a side view. It looks better. I also added arms (they aren't finished). I really need assistance on how to load the root.xsi into 3D Studio Max 4.2 I can't open the .doc file by tim appleby that came with Ravens SDK and stuff. I can open some of the others though. It's odd. Any assistance is appreciated.


Front- http://www.nbeecee.com/JK2/nikto/NiktoRender004.jpg

Side- http://www.nbeecee.com/JK2/nikto/NiktoRender005.jpg

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Looking good Link-er :D


Ok, to import root.xsi you need to pop the importer that came with the tool kits that raven released. XSIImporter.dli and vmdexp.dle should be in your Tools\Max4Tools\ directory. Just copy thoes files over into your 3DsMax\plugins and restart the program and your set :)


It's a good idea to make your model around the skeleton in root.xsi, it will save you the headache of making major adjustments later


CT :lightning


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