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Banned from a server!


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Originally posted by Emon

Don't chat frag.


Emon, You didn't need to spam yourself to respond to his query (no matter how innapropriate you thought it was), refrain from being rude to others just because they didn't know about something. It's behaviour like that which prevents people from asking small questions and finding out information, please be conscious of your responses - it may put people off if you don't.


Cheers ;)


P.S. This isn't a personal attack or anything, I'm just thinking about the well being of the forums. Ah yes and Agen is right, just type in "winipcfg" (without quotations) in your run command.

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Legion, what the hell? How is saying, "Don't chat frag." Spam? If I spammed, I would be forcing the same message over and over and over.


The reason I posted that was to let him know that if he doesn't chat frag he won't get banned. My god, you just post a message and nodays people are like, "OMG WTF YOU STUPID MOTHER ****ING ASS HOLE GO TO HELL DONT INSULT PEOPLE YOU STUPID MOTHER ****ING LITTLE BITCH!!!!11" That's all the crap I seem to be getting lately.

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