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getting SURFOFF to work in SP with player!!!


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Hey all,


I made a little MOD to allow myself to play as Jan in Single Player, and it works. No problem. However, I then tried to remove her goggles and vest, and that's where my headaches began!


As I'm sure many of you who have tried this sort of modification are aware, the stupid SURFOFF command doesn't seem to wanna work for only YOUR player model in the game! for example, in the NPCS.CFG of my MOD, I changed Jan like this:




fullName "Ors, Jan"

playerModel jan

surfOff "torso_vest hips_chaps torso_computer head_goggles torso_comp hips_belt"

surfOn "torso_augment_off hips_augment_off hips_torso_off"

rank lt



And it works great for Jan, no problem. Now, when I mod Kyle to change him to Jan, I did everything I had to (replaced his model.glm and model_default.skin) and in the NPCS.CFG, I changed his playermodel to Jan, in BOTH "Munro" and "Kyle" characters, and again added the SURFOFF commands to remove goggles & vest & accessories, like this:




fullName "Katarn, Kyle"

playerModel jan

surfOff "torso_vest hips_chaps torso_computer head_goggles torso_comp hips_belt"

surfOn "torso_augment_off hips_augment_off hips_torso_off"

saberColor blue

reactions 4



But the end result is always the same: the mods work fine in the cutscenes, but NEVER in the actual gameplay. In the game you still get her goggles, vest and other crap on YOUR model, but the Jan NPC is exactly as I wanted, no goggles and stuff.


WHY does the SURFOFF command not work ONLY for the player when it works for every other NPC? I tried everything to make it work:


- I read the post "Make MP skins with different surfaces on/off" and tried everything there including using NODRAW on the goggles, vest, accessories: the result is the vest and chaps becomming TRANSPARENT, so you see right through yourself and not the shirt under the vest!


- I even tried removing the vest and chaps from the actuall assets.pk3 in desperation: the result is the SAME as above -> transparency cause it can't DRAW the textures.


- I also tried using the JEDI.MVS file that has a script in it to SURFOFF Jan's vest and chaps etc. but again it only worked for the NPC Jan, and not for my player.


I know many poeple have tried using SURFOFF on the player without success. This will cause big problems in clipping as I've tried a SP Obiwan MOD to let myself play as the Obi skin in SP, and it works, but because the SURFOFF is ignored for the player in SP, his shirt passes through the cloak on his back and his elbows when he runs. This is not the case in MP because the SURFOFF works in MP.


Please people let's get together and try to solve this stupid riddle once and for all, so that SP mods can work properly now and in the future.




PS: Please DELETE my previous post, it was incomplete cause my browser screwed up and posted it before I was done >_<

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You can give it a bad filename and it won't draw it. Just put something like "nodraw.wtf" as the image filename, and when it doesn't find it, it shouldn't draw it.


Should work as a replacement for surfOff, but as for surfOn, I haven't a clue.

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I've tried to do the same, same results, and no one here seems inclined to help. In fact, lately, such questions get results similar to the reply just prior to mine. *shrug*


My opinion: Keep messing around with it, since no one here seems to have figured it out, and since often those who respond do so with useless stuff like the prior post, which might as well be deleted for all the help it offered.



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Originally posted by Subject452

the SurfOn and SurfOff thing works for me in SP and MP, so u are doing something wrong........


BTW: NPC = Non Playable Character


Well if you would READ you would notice he's trying to get it to work on the PLAYER. It works for him in the cutscenes using the NPC kyle, but he wants to know how to get it to work on the PLAYER.

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Exactly, Emon. :)


It's most annoying to not be able to remove Jan's goggles, or other apparatus when she's the player character.


And nearly as annoying to not be able to change her height. Weird, what with how easy it is to modify MP in this game, that it isn't as easy to do the same to the player character in single player.



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Well if you would READ you would notice he's trying to get it to work on the PLAYER. It works for him in the cutscenes using the NPC kyle, but he wants to know how to get it to work on the PLAYER.


Well if YOU would READ, then you would understand that IT works for me, ON THE PLAYER, INGAME and IN CUTSCENES, on NPCs/PLAYERs. Isn't my post obvious enough? or must i post in numerous ways that it works for me so that every wompa can understand it? -_- *jeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz* ...............

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Hi again all.


I really worked hard to painstakingly detail every step I took and the result of each step. Quickly I'll just recap the most important issues:



- "You can give it a bad filename and it won't draw it. Just put something like "nodraw.wtf" as the image filename, and when it doesn't find it, it shouldn't draw it."


This technique works fine for everything, EXCEPT Jan's vest and chaps. It works for her goggles and all other accessories; But here vest and chaps (along her legs) then become TRANSPARENT, I mean like Hollowman. You can see right THROUGH her, the level, the floor, NOT her shirt underneath nor her pants where the chaps are missing. This is for the PLAYER, and this also produces the same effect when used on the NPC Jan.



" -NPCS.CFG = NPC settings or setup or what ever

And NPC = AI Character

When you see your character in cutscenes you

doesn't conrol him but computer does... = NPC "


That's all fine but the clear fact remains that by editing Kyle in that NPC file, it changes YOUR PLAYER. Not just in the cutscenes, but also in game. The only problem is that SurfOn/SurfOff only affects the NPC PLAYER character in the cutscenes, and NOT in game. However, the model you chose is the SAME in the cutscene and in game.


Duncan Idaho

- "And nearly as annoying to not be able to change her height. Weird, what with how easy it is to modify MP in this game, that it isn't as easy to do the same to the player character in single player."


Exactly, any modifications made to the PLAYER such as SurfOn/SurfOff, height, width, etc, that are done in the NPC file, work for all models in that file except the PLAYER. In the cutscenes, they work.


Subject452: I dunno if you care or not, but since you're so sure of yourself, can you please post a screenshot of you playing as JAN ORS with her Vest and Chaps off, alongside the normal NPC Jan in Single player mode? I'm sure removing things off other character models works fine for you, all EXCEPT Jan. I myself have tested by making a SP Twilek (removed the drape as a test), and SP Obi-Wan with cloak (fixed the clipping of his arms and back showing through his cloak). I did these both by doing what Emon said -> example: Drape, models\players\twilek\whatever


Bottom line: when you remove Jan's vest and chaps by not telling JK2 where to find the textures, or by NODRAW, or by even removing those texture files entirely, the vest and chaps become INVISIBLE/TRANSPARENT. Test it yourselves if you can and you'll see. Otherwise, PLEASE send screenshots of a sucsessful SP_JAN PLAYER mod without vest and chaps.


Thanks for all your input.


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Bushin: This technique works fine for everything, EXCEPT Jan's vest and chaps. It works for her goggles and all other accessories; But here vest and chaps (along her legs) then become TRANSPARENT, I mean like Hollowman. You can see right THROUGH her, the level, the floor, NOT her shirt underneath nor her pants where the chaps are missing.


thats because the surfaces which define her shirt, and pants etc without the vest/chaps are the surfaces defined in the surfOn command (torso_augment_off hips_augment_off hips_torso_off)



Bushin:That's all fine but the clear fact remains that by editing Kyle in that NPC file, it changes YOUR PLAYER.


i thought that too, but now that i think on it, we may just be assuming so; if it was fact, then theoretically the npcs.cfg changes would be all you would need to do. obviously player stats etc. are controlled from somewhere else.



Subject452, since you are obviously so enlightened, why not just tell us what files you modified to get it to work (if you actually did)

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At the top of the forums is a thread from one of the games makers telling how to create .surf files. This is how you get players in both single AND multi to have certain surfaces turned on or off.


Anyways, all you have to do is, for instance with Jan, copy the data from the npc.cfg that says:

"surfon blah blah"

"surfoff blah blah"

copy those lines and paste them in a new text file labeled:


Add this file to your mods pk3 file and voila.......Jan will have less to carry. Also there are other characters that you can do this with, but my advice on that is to use ModView, part of the editing tools released by Raven, to play with the different characters to learn what works and what doesn't.


Good luck.










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This is the entire contents of my .surf file for Jan in single player. (note - I don't play as her, but I still made this cuz default Jan just_looks_silly)


surfOff "torso_vest hips_chaps torso_computer head_goggles torso_comp"

surfOn "torso_augment_off hips_augment_off hips_torso_off"


With this file, my Jan only kept her belt/gun holster. Remember to name it model_default.surf and put it in your characters pk3 file. it should sit right next to the model_default.skin file. Hope this helps.








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Orbital, I'm not too clear on what you mean. By .surf file for Jan, do you mean one that resides in her ("Jan") player folder? If so, yes, this would accomplish essentially what inserting that surf information in her npcs.cfg entry would.


Have you actually been able to play AS Jan in SP without the vest? Putting a model_default.surf in the "kyle" folder of this sort of mod seems to have no effect whatsoever in single player (in MP, it works) on which surfaces are on/off.

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I haven't really tried to play as any of the females, in SP. The .surf file I made becuz I didn't like the way Jan looked....period. So I made my own .pk3 file for Jan, and added the .surf file as well. When I start up a new game in SP, I will be kyle, but the npc-Jan will have look the way I specified in the .surf file.


-Bushin, after playing around with it myself for about a half hour I have decided that there isn't a way (that I know of) to tell the game what surfaces to turn on and what to turn off for your SP main character. I tried a few things with Jan but always ended up with the same result; Jan with everything but legs. :(


On a final note, unless your making a SP map it would be kinda rediculous to play as a female, as all the voices will still be Kyle.

Just my 2 cents.....








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S'what I thought. Back to square one I guess. Any other ideas? Subject452?


Btw, Orbital, if one were inclined to play as a chick in SP (hell yeah!), getting female sounds is as easy as copying the sounds/chars/misc (or whatever) from Jan or Tavion and renaming to "kyle". Of course this only affects jumps and grunts, etc - hearing Kyle's voice from Jan in cutscenes can be well, ridiculous (unless she's a ventriliquist as well). :)

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What I meant was, in SP throughout all the cutscenes, your female character will have Kyle's voice. Now, unless you can convert ALL those sounds into a females then it would be pretty rediculous. Understand?












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  • 2 weeks later...
Bushin: That's all fine but the clear fact remains that by editing Kyle in that NPC file, it changes YOUR PLAYER. Not just in the cutscenes, but also in game. The only problem is that SurfOn/SurfOff only affects the NPC PLAYER character in the cutscenes, and NOT in game. However, the model you chose is the SAME in the cutscene and in game.


Why the hell you think the file is called NPC.cfg ? NPC=NonPlayerCharacters. Understood?

And the Kyle moving in the Cutscenes is a NonPlayerCharacter.

Try to deactivate e.g. his head. You see it then JUST in the Cutscenes because the NPC is in the Cutscenes and not YOU (Player).


All in one sentence: The NPC.cfg does not affect the character you are controling.


Bottom line: If that what i am saying is not correct, prove me wrong.

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Originally posted by LOUman


Why the hell you think the file is called NPC.cfg ? NPC=NonPlayerCharacters. Understood?

And the Kyle moving in the Cutscenes is a NonPlayerCharacter.

Try to deactivate e.g. his head. You see it then JUST in the Cutscenes because the NPC is in the Cutscenes and not YOU (Player).


All in one sentence: The NPC.cfg does not affect the character you are controling.


Bottom line: If that what i am saying is not correct, prove me wrong.


Yeah I think we've pretty much established that.


Unless anyone can come up with any new ideas, maybe we should be looking for someone with modeling experience who'll be gracious enough to remove the vest and chaps for us. I tried once and failed during the assimiliate portion. Miserably...

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yeah we know npc.cfg doesnt do this


hey, what is an .mvs file? i saw one that came with the mpsurfs.pk3 (which lets you select jedi2 and jediF as MP skins)


it was called jedif.mvs, and was extracted to models/players/jan


the file consists of this:


name		"model"
modelfile	"models/players/jan/model.glm"
oldskinfile	"default"
	name0	"torso_augment_off"
	name1	"hips_augment_off"
	name2	"hips_torso_off"
	name0	"hips_belt"
	name1	"hips_chaps"
	name2	"head_goggles"
	name3	"torso_comp"
	name4	"torso_vest"



what is the purpose of this file? there is already .surf files placed to remove the surfaces (which work in MP)

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