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Lightsaber 101


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lets begin


1. turn saber on

2. Choose batle stance

3. Swing sabre when target is close enough to be hit

4. Move when an oppents sabre comes near you

5 Repeat step 3 until you or your oppent is dead.




see its that easy. Number 3 is very important...only swing when your sabre will make contac...dont waste swings like a madman


Follow these simple steps and I guarentee you will become better right away.


If you like these tactics...pick a copy of my new book


Lightsaber for dummies


only $19.95...if you order in the next 15mins I will throw in my new Saber shammy as an added gift..a $9.95 value


If you want to be the one the salve girls are after and have the hottest new Saber moves Call now



Must be 18 years or older

PLease no C.O.D.s



in no way am I responsible for any lost limbs or desitergrations while you use my products.

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I wrote something similiar to that recently, Im currently under litigations with Eminem because he feels I stole song lyrics from him. Better watch yourself, he'll probably come after you next. In fact, probably every thread on every forum in the world is in danger of Eminem claiming we stole his notebook or some crap, watch yourselves people, he has spies everywhere....

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Not to be mean or anything else..but you need to get somethings right..first you need to order my new book..and second you need to read up on American History....We have never USED A NUKE IN ANY WAR..thats all I will say..go look it up and see what we did use...anyway..if you buy a copy of my book Lightsaber for dummies..I will tell you why you are wrong :) remmeber you get a free shammy

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Oh my poor, poor, sad Venik. If youre referring to the differences between a nuclear weapon and what "we did use" (atom bomb) as you put it just to make me look stupid, youre wasting your time. I copied that from an article on http://www.theonion.com because I thought it was funny. Getting into an arguement over the differences between a "nuke" and an "atom bomb" is not my idea of fun. Get over it and get off the wannabe high horse you tried to ride in on.


PS-I stole your book from a passing newbie, worthless dribble.

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nice book;)


do i get a special discount for telling you that?


can i get it at my local chapters?


did you write it? or did somebody else write it and you stole credit for the book


does it have a CD or anything with it that has cool videos and games on it?:D


does it tell me what colour my lightsaber should be for maximum damage?

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Dribble!!! Dribble!!...it took me a whole week to write that book.....anyway did you get the shammy off him too..I also sell saber grip tape..helps keep your hand on the hilt...its really good



Anyway...we need to meet up in a fight and compare fighting styles..Hmmm....I was playing on teh Omni server...but last I checked it was down..So let me know where you play



Oh and a Nuke is very Diff from an atom bomb...but like you said it would be an endless argument..So I say we settle it in the ring



Let me know the server and ill play there from now On..until we meet up

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Originally posted by intoxictd

You are welcome to come to MatrixCPA as long as you come to PLAY...not solicit your book.


Don't come over there and make me break out my "CTF for Dummies" handbook.


lol, i read that book.......but it had major errors in it and sucked


j/k, lol

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As far as I know, a nuclear bomb is the same thing as an atomic bomb.


What I think he meant, was that USA wasn't officially at *war* with the japanese at that time, though i beg to differ. Perhaps he considered a kind terror act?

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Originally posted by cjais

As far as I know, a nuclear bomb is the same thing as an atomic bomb.


What I think he meant, was that USA wasn't officially at *war* with the japanese at that time, though i beg to differ. Perhaps he considered a kind terror act?


Thats 100% true. The term "atomic bomb" ist missleading.

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