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WIP: Geonosis Droid Factory


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This is *NOT* The Conveyor belt.

I repeat.

This is *NOT* The Conveyor belt.


I have not implemented any sort of pushing mechanisms in this map.


Screenshots are available here:



I used the film as a basis for this map. There are lots of catwalks and traps.


I got tired with this map close to a week ago. I will decide whether to release it depending on your input/reaction. I don't feel it is my absolute best work.


There you have it.

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if you arent happy with it, then dont release it. Unless your not trying to get a reputation, then do release and maybe we will enjoy it. one thing though, is that if you call it Geonosis Droid Factory, people are going to want it to be as close to the movie as possible, and if you didnt do that, then i'd call it something else maybe. but the screens look good, its just not as close to the movie as people are looking for.

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i downloaded the zip from ur website and i loaded it and right as it finished loading it quit with a error message that i couldn't understand.

Is there another version of ur map besides the one on your site(just the pk3 no readme)

,if so my i think you have my e-mail address if not kphillips@sport.rr.com

If thats the real version, is there anyone else having problems loading the map?:confused:

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