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SP conversion (different thread)


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Originally posted by phantom827

Also, does anyone know how to change SP skins, such as Jan to a clonetrooper or desann to vader?


Make sure the skin you are going to use to replace is working. then, whenever you are manipulating pk3 files to work in SP, instead of changing the name of the skin files (and the lines inside the model_default.skin) to 'kyle', change it to whatever the character in the game is called eg 'jan' or 'stormtrooper. I replaced the stormtroopers with clonetroopers way back, i've still got the file if your intersted.

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I would like you to send it to me, please. and the thing doesn't always work. sometimes it says "couldn't find dfg/sadfg/dfg/asdfg/afsg/adfg/asg/" or whatever (the random letters are replaced with folder names and stuff). And yoda, if your reading this, im sorry that i couldn't get the skin to work. it says it cant find the stuff. if anyone knows how to tweak stuff, i would be grateful.

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Phantom,i am REALLY tired of the same old bantha herder Kyle and was wondering if you could convert either ,or better yet if you feel like it, both of these two models im posting up on this thread i would really like to play as eith Yun or Obi. thanks and i really apprieciate it.




Obi Model





Yun Model

oh and send it to my e-mail adress at Bakers8er@yahoo.com


oh and can you send me the Mace Windu SP model Darkliter? thanks.

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