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SP conversion (different thread)


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Dark Lighter, sorry im not very good with links so if you feel like it, it would mean ALOT to me, can you go under the "file Search" option in Jediknightii.net and search for Obi, the one that uses the Tyrion Model, or type in Yun?


Im sorry to be such a noob but im really tired of the same Kyle skin and im getting pretty desperate and so far your the only person that has actually TRIED to do this for me so thankyou :)


Oh great tutorial by the way. it didnt help me that much , as you can see, but i dont really understand most tutorials anyway :)


thanks for the Mace SP MOD but do i need the MP Mace Windu Model/Skin for it to work because i fear if i dont it will be invisible.

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Hey man, don't feel bad:) Only a few months ago I was a newbie at this, alright? Don't be down:D ...


Well that Mace skin should work with the game. Not sure why it hasn't. Make sure that if things start to go wrong and the skin won't show up that you delete/move save game folder out of the base folder, and start a new game.


I'll check out those skins to see what i can do, okay? :D

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Okay, the good thing is that I have managed to get both skins to work. However there is something a little wrong with the robe on the obi model - there are little gaps in it when he moves, I'm not sure if this was there already just letting you know.


The skins are on their way to you. Any prblems post on the thread (this or mine) Enjoy!


Take a look at my thread, the 'Guide to SP and MP skin conversion', as I have come up with something very important!

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DarkLighter, the Obi skin conversion you brought me had something wrong with it. When i clicked on the file to extract it with WinZip it gave me a screen where you had to either press New or something else.Is this supposed to happen? if it is could you explaine what im supposed to do. oh i you dont feel irritated by me could you send the Obi without the Robe ;)


E-mail is at Bakers8er@Yahoo.com

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There is no extracting needed. I sent you the pk3 file so just put that file (without anything done to it) into the 'base' folder inside your Jedi Knight directory, okay?:D


I will work out that skin and send it to you, and I don't feel irritated, its fine. Its what I do!!:):D

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  • 3 weeks later...

There have been a lot of requets on here to convert MP skins to SP ones. Just to let you know, we are now going to properly respond to those who did request. If you didn't get any help before, post your request again and either me or phantom827 will get back to you. Any new rquests feel free to ask.


Thanks guys!:)

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