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Ultimate Unwrap 3D


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Hey guys,


Does anyone out there know of a FREE program that does what Ultimate Unwrap 3D does? It's a great program and all, but $30 is a bit much for me to dish out at the moment. Mapping my saber is killing me right now, and that is the only thing between me and the completion of my first saber. If anyone knows of anything good, let me know. Thanks in advance!

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Sorry I havent seen it. I agree with K man max is definatly the way to go for UVW mapping.

I know that it can seem impossible but trust me, just keep hammering at the tutorials and it will suddenly just make sense. After that it really is quite easy.

I you have a specific problem, just ask, see if we can help.

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*quivers with rage* Bleh! I use 3D Studio Max 4 and have recently made a sword (first model). Im at the part where I need to UVW wrap(unwrap not sure which) to be able to texture it right. kman, or anyone, could you point me to the direction of a nice tatorail for dummies that explains this prosess. From what I understand it, I have to break appart the vertexes in the uvw unwrap edit but...that seems almost impossable being there is about 300 something vertexes and I would have to rebuild it. But then again im an idiot when it comes to computers. *shrugs* Thanks guys.


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just a tip guys...LithUnwrap IS Ultimate UnWrap3D. And I have not tried max but I think Ultimate Unwrap3D is the best unwraping tool around. But the price makes it a tough thing to try to get the wife let you take money out your savings account for you kid for colage to get it.


Joking, but the price is a bit much :)

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