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How do I get my editting npcs.cfg to work in-game?


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can you please give me the codes and directories you put them in (inc filenames) to get the jedi to work please?


ill then make up a pk3 with a custom npc for blaster and saber use and upload it to my site



i can get my npc to spawn with a hilt/handle but with no saber ignition. they move like they are using a saber but cant hurt anyone





~* beau *~

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Hmmm..... Has anyone been able to spawn a custom dark jedi? I can get friendly custom npc saber and blaster users in game just fine, but all the enemy npcs I create either use a blaster, or just hold a saber and act like it's a blaster.


If anyone has done this successfully, please let me know which prefixes ("jedi", "st", etc.) you used and where and what your npcs.cfg entry looks like.



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ok, here it goes (I'll try to make this as detailed as possible for those who aren't as familiar with messing with pk3s):


Let's say you want to make Qui-Gon as a saber-wielding npc ally (I'll use Mars' skin as an example). Extract the ext_data/npcs.cfg file from assets0.pk3 and extract the models/players/QuiGonVM2 folder from the skinpack. Leave the intact skinpack in your base folder though too.


Ok, now rename "QuiGonVM2" to "jediQuiGon", open up this folder and delete all of the textures - everything except the .skin, .glm, .cfg, and .surf (N/A for QuiGon) files. This way the .skin file still links to the untouched skinpack in your base folder, keeping the new mod as small as possible.


When that's done, open up the npcs.cfg and copy and past an appropriate entry. For QuiGon, I used the basic npc Jedi as a start. Copy the Jedi's entry, paste it directly below, and make modifications so it looks something like this (change variables as you see fit):




playerModel jediQuiGon

saberColor green

rank lt

reactions 3

aim 3

move 3

aggression 3

evasion 2

intelligence 3

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

class jedi

yawSpeed 140

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

snd jedi1

sndcombat jedi1

sndjedi jedi1

health 200

dismemberProbHead 0

dismemberProbArms 5

dismemberProbLegs 0

dismemberProbHands 10

dismemberProbWaist 0



And that's it. Save the npcs.cfg, zip the two folders, rename it as a pk3 file, and plunk it in the base folder. You might want to give your mod a late-alphabet name like zQuiGon.pk3, just to make sure the npcs.cfg takes precedence over any other npcs.cfg mods in the base folder.


I hope this helps.

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okay, thanks to mike via email (not sure which one you are on the forums hehe), i got it working


ill create a generic pk3 file for both gun and saber custom npcs if people are interested.


i think the reason why it wasnt working was that i had the vadersp.pk3 file in my base dir and it has a npcs.cfg file so it was messing with mine.


instead of making an entry in the npcs.cfg file, ive gone back to making a jedi???.npc file in ext_data. so as long as no one else has a mod with that same npc filename then it should be fine

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re: npc using a bowcaster. something that might be useful is if we can get jkradiant to work with the custom npcs.


for example, instead of spawning npc_shadowtrooper, spawn say npc_jedicustom and get it to actually spawn.


further up are some commands i had with an icarus script to spawn a character with a saber, ignite it and lock the weapon on saber, im sure you can do that but give the character the bowcaster by default.


someone also posted that chang said its possible to spawn a custom npc in a map so it IS possible. i think once we can spawn from a map, it will give us many more options that manually spawning, it also allows for people to create SP maps with boba fett vs han solo, luke, chewie and lando etc etc


ive told the coding forum (with a spawning custom npc thread) to check here coz this thread has the npc spawning. hopefully someone there might be able to help here as well?


~* beau *~

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WOW creating NPC's with lightsabers!!!


this ranks up there with the scaling mod, the dual lightsabers and actually getting custom models in the game as being one of the biggest breakthru's in JK2 editing


who'd have thought it would be as simple as adding the word "jedi" or "reborn" to the created NPC??


Couple of questions???





1. How can luke get a lightsaber without "jedi"


2. If a model comes with custom sounds how can i transfer them to the NPC


3. I dont know what shaders are or what they do, but i see that some models come with them. I havent tryed converting these yet. do they cause any problems??


4. There must be some sort of limit to number of NPC's or file size has anyone reached it yet??





Once again whoever found this this out is great. soon i will spawn alll the jedi and sith and watch them hack each other to bits:)

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I think I can help you on question number 2, Darth-Nasty. I made a spawnable Maul (without saber till I saw this thread) and I got it to have the custom sounds. It is quite easy. pen up the (in mp case it was MP Maul) with winzip and look for the sounds' path. (sound/chars/maul/misc). Now go back to the NPCs.cfg file with your new NPC and look for the line :


snd reborn (or whatever sound it had when you pasted it) and switch it to

snd maul

. It works for me!


(P.S., ihavedirt, im sorry for not responding to your PM, but i was busy and i didnt have time to send it.)

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4. I spent some time last night making a mod with 48 custom npcs :) For most of the textures (except for personal reskins) I was able to link to the existing skinpacks in my /base folder, so the whole pk3 is about 10 Mb right now.


P.S. - for a cool npc, try adding the MGS cyborg ninja from the ninja - katana mod, give him the reborn prefixes, but make his "class" shadowtrooper and he'll start out stealth before de-cloaking to attack you. (though when you kill him he spews a little RGB wireframe thing instead of a force crystal... can anyone fix this?)

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Originally posted by drjimmy515

(though when you kill him he spews a little RGB wireframe thing instead of a force crystal... can anyone fix this?)


sounds like he is missing a model or graphic? check and see

what stuff the normal shadowtroopers have for their force crystal

and see if he has it too? I don realy know :jawa


Interesting note: there is not a green crystal on the skin.

I did however find a "forcegem.md3" and "forcegem.jpg"

in: assets0.pk3\medels\items

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It's probably a no go - the normal shadowtroopers have the crystal as part of the torso texture and it and its holder thingy can be turned off with a surf file. When you kill them, maybe it turns into an item using this part of the texture as a skin. Adding the crystal unit to the ninja's texture MIGHT fix it, but I was leaning more towards turning the item off altogether - if this were even possible, and then it would screw up the normal shadowtrooper... it's not so bad to live with. The force wireframe things still work :rolleyes:

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I edited my post btw...not shure what version you replyed to :p


yeh i found the texture now. its in his accesorys jpg.


but still look into that thing bout the forcegem model.


Thing i cant figure out is if the gem model and skin are not

directly part of the shadowtrooper skin (once it comes of him and

is actualy a gem for game porposes) why the game cant find

it for your ninja guy.


btw i dont fully understand the syntax for the surfON surfOFF stuff in

npcs.cfg, anyone want to explain it? ...please. :jawa:


HEY im a 'Pit Droid" :D

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DrJimmy, is there somewhere we can download an example of your work so we can see what we're [i'm] doing wrong? I don't know about the others, but for some reason I just cannot get this to work at all. Surely I'm doing something wrong somewhere, but I just can't figure out where it is that I'm failing.

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Here is an example of my Maul NPC (the lightsaber works, i tested it!)


Here it is~:




playerModel rebornmaul

saberColor red

rank lt

reactions 3

aim 3

move 3

aggression 3

evasion 2

intelligence 3

playerTeam enemy

enemyTeam player

class reborn

yawSpeed 140

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

snd maul

sndcombat maul

sndjedi maul

health 2000

dismemberProbHead 100

dismemberProbArms 100

dismemberProbLegs 100

dismemberProbHands 100

dismemberProbWaist 100



It works for me, and for the other NPCs I added like this:




playerModel jediObi1

saberColor blue

rank lt

reactions 3

aim 3

move 3

aggression 3

evasion 2

intelligence 3

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

class jedi

yawSpeed 140

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

snd Obi1

sndcombat Obi1

sndjedi Obi1

health 2000

dismemberProbHead 0

dismemberProbArms 5

dismemberProbLegs 0

dismemberProbHands 10

dismemberProbWaist 0



Here is an example of a NPC with a blaster rifle:




playerModel stpadme

rank lt

reactions 3

aim 3

move 3

aggression 3

evasion 2

intelligence 3

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

class stormtrooper

yawSpeed 140

walkSpeed 55

runSpeed 200

snd jan

sndcombat jan

health 50

dismemberProbHead 0

dismemberProbArms 5

dismemberProbLegs 0

dismemberProbHands 10

dismemberProbWaist 0



Hope this helped!!

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no, that all works for me. my problem is that I want to assign people customized weapons. currently I'm having problems getting some skins to work in-game...I have no idea why but they spawn stormtroopers instead of the bots I made (which are obviously different models ^_^).

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Um... sure. I didn't come up with the basic method, so I wouldn't exactly call it my "work", but I'd be happy to send the same Qui-Gon npc mod I sent to ihavedirt to someone with space to host it as an example of how to make a custom friendly saber-user. The way I have it set up, you'll need Mars' Qui-Gon v2 skin in your \base directory.

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Chrono, as far as I know (not much), spawning characters with custom weapons is a ICARUS scripting thing.


Also, I had the stormtrooper problem a few times, and in all cases I had made some sort of typo or error with regard to the player folder. Check the name of your folder, and the playerModel field of the entry. That's all I can think of...

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I think it was the SKIN file with improper directories :p


Oh yea, I also wanted to say that I saw the file before that pointed to that stuff, I just don't remember which file. It said something like




sabermodel "models/weapons2/saber_desann/saber_w.glm"



or something like that.

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Can you send it to harukaze@jk.jk2edit.com? I can even host it. I'm just really confused, since I did it the way described, on several separate occasions. I've tried stjedimaul, jedimaul, jsut plain maul and even rebornmaul. I have a directory, jedimaul for example, with the .skin pointing to the actual maul directory for the textures. I have a .npc file with the jedimaul entry. I have an Icarus script telling him to use the saber and to have certain force powers. And none of this is working. He still has his saber at his origin, which looks very painful when he ignites it *grins*


Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


The only thing left to do is to attempt to do it without the spawn_jedimaul.ibi, but I don't see how that will help unless the code for it given higher up was invalid somewhere.

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I wish Raven had set it up so a npc's weapon and forcepowers were just setable in npcs.cfg. I meen geeze how much work would that havetaken? And think of the trouble it would save us!


BTW the Icarus manual suggests you can give items to npcs. Has anyone tried this yet?

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