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D sword and Dracula sword have been made. Check out the screenshots.


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I am quite happy to announce that I have just finished designing

the models for D's sword and Dracula's sword. (the Dracula one

was just one I made up in my head.) The Dracula player model

has been made as well and will be released sometime in the



Anyway, I still have to get permission to use the sword swinging

sounds I used from the knightswords pk3 file. In the meantime,

check out these pics of D in action and holding the swords. Then

see what you think.


Here's the one with D holding his own sword:



Here's one with D holding Dracula's sword:



Here's a picture of D in action with his own sword:



Here's a good view of D swinging his sword:


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Well, my friend you'll be happy to know that I even went back

and made 7 more weapons for the weapon pack that will be

released soon. I hope I will be able to get it sent in tommorrow

or at least the day after. I'm working as fast as I can DS-Tha Skurge. I had to make sure all of the models were tested and

looked decent enough for great playing action.


Oh yeah here's the list of all of the weapons I've made for the

weapon pack man. The pictures will be up tommorrow. Be sure

to be online to check out the pictures when I do get them up. I

promise I'll get them released soon. (both things)



weapon #1: D's sword


weapon #2: Dracula's sword


weapon #3: DeathStaff (a several-sided battle axe)


weapon #4: Pike (staff with several spikes on it and it even has

a stormtroopers head mounted on it.)


weapon #5: Mace


weapon #6: Aragorn's sword from The Lord of the Rings


weapon #7:Sauron's staff-like weapon he uses in The Fellowship

of the Ring Movie. (good movie by the way.)


weapon #8:The Predator's spear.


weapon #9:He-man's sword.

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Yippie! I finally found the time to get the weapon pictures on this

thread! I also emailed the guy asking permission to use the sword

swinging sounds so I should hear from him sometime soon.

Now check out these new badass weapons that you can use to

do some serious damage to your enemies. :D


(BTW: the textures aren't all great so I would be happy if one of

you would help me retexture these bad boys.)


And everyone is welcome to use them in whatever mod they're

planning to release just as long as I get some credit.):D

(don't think I'm trying to be an ass. I'm just trying to be nice.)


Here's Strider's (Aragorn's) sword:



Here's Sauron's weapon:



Here's the DeathStaff: (heh,heh) :D



Here's the Pike: (funny weapon. I felt like paying ewoks a tribute)



Here's the Predator Spear:



Here's the Mace:



And last, but hopefully not least, here's He-man's sword:


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Oh yeah DS-Tha Skurge to clear up confusion I did ask if anyone

wanted to reskin these models on this post. I said everyone was

welcome to do whatever they wished with these and that includes reskinning them.


I not trying to be an ass DS. I just wanted to clear up confusion.

Sorry for all the confusion man. Thanks for the suggestion anyway

man. I really need some skinning skills. :)

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Anyone know a good skinner I could directly send some of those

models to to get them skinned better?


Oh yeah DS I did try sending it to jediknightii.net but some

weird error kept occuring when I tried to send it to them. I'm

just gonna wait until mcowart gets back. He most likely will be

able to fix the problem. Don't worry. :)

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great.do u want me to put a post in the skinning forum to see if ne 1 would help u............cos i want to get these models release..........and i would like 2 help:D...........well i went ahead nd asked the skinning community if they would like to resin the models............am soz if u never wanted me to do that...........but .......whatcha gonna do

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