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WIP: Trebor, Coleman

PIo Koon

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yes...Bradfu suggested i make it thinner and longer...but theres a problem


ok look at the plaster mold...see how it looks?...now...look at the picture where Trebor is about to die when hes facing Count Dukoo...see any difference?...i sure do..his crest is as fat as mine and almost the same length....yes i will still make the neck larger and increase the length of the crest...but not to much...he looks very wierd if its to long

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no we got musashi to do that remember?


well i ran into ALOT of problems


since he uses 3Ds max we had alot of trouble finding a filetype to use because he was to lazy to get a MD3 importer...he finally got one...but i kept running into problems with the model...and when i finally got it to him there was a hole under that skirt type thing...so i had to go back and fill that in...so i JUST finished them and sent them off to musashi...except he JUST logged off...so that means more waiting lol..then again i got this far in...lets see...probly a lil more than 24 hours =OD

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It must be hard for you to let your hard work to be entrusted in the care of another. I'm sure Musashi and BradFu will do a great job and will do great credit to your work. Looking forward to seeing the results.

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Genthar yes...this is really my first player model that i did all alone without anyones work except boba's..im very proud of it...


i know Bradfu is a respectable person of the forums so i trust him


i don't know musashi well but he doesn't seem like an ass and i feel i can trust him


we also talked for a few days before i sent him anything becuase it wasn't done and sent to him =O)..so i got to know him a lil before sending


so i trust these 2 guys


o and we can't forget boba ;)

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thankx Toonces =O)..u should see the version as of now..looks great


not to different that the 15 pics i posted on 2'nd page...but it looks better..i really hope this model pleases everyone


although i know once Kinja starts his and shows pictures..it will make mine look low detailed


BUT..im fine with that...im still technically a new modeller i know he can better than me...at least i was able to get it looking as it is now =O)...and actually i can't wait for kinja to do that...maybe i could learn from his model and apply it to mine

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lol thankx lucko..i can't either..musashi hasn't been on and i really wanna send it to bradfu so he can skin it





i NEED someone to help me get the models in game...if anyone can help plz respond (btw u have to be a respectable person of the forums or i WON"T send it to u)

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