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WIP: Trebor, Coleman

PIo Koon

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Musashi's (who by the way is becoming a fantastic modeler) mapping is pretty good, especially for his first time doing it. There are just some problem areas that make skinning thoes places problematic at best (mostly the arms, a few areas on the back too)


Send me the most recent model if you can PIo, I'm almost finished with Sidious, so I'll see if I can adjust the mapping to eliminate thoes areas. I have to re-weight him anyway, so send him over and I'll try to get him out as fast as I can.


CT :lightning


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alright thankx Toonces...uve really helped us with Trebor man..i appreciate all ur help ALOT...if everyone was as helpful as u are and still able to get there own stuff done like u...damn...all the models would be made already LOL =OD

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wohoo!!! someone bumped it =OD


and yes he is boba...why do u think i have a in game pic? =OP


we just need to fix the mapping and get a skin *coughLAZYBRADFUcough* ;)


but i haven't been able to get a hold of toonces and bradfu said toonces hasn't sent him anything...but the maps were suppose to be done by now so im not sure


but i have patience..i know toonces has his own priorities

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Sorry PIo Koon, I've barely been home the last four days, so I havent had any time at all to do the maps. I'm at my sisters right now, and I figured I'd check out the forums real fast. I'll be home late tonight and I'll try and pound out the maps. I havent even had any time to work on my own model at all this week.


I'll see how much I can do tonight, my brother and his family will be leaving tommorow, so I'll have more time to sit down and work then. I'll see what I can get done tonight :)


CT :lightning


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A little update. I have most of the model mapped now, I'm still having alot of trouble getting the head to layout right, I just cant seem to get the checker patern to line up right.


I'm away for the weekend, but will be back on monday. Hopefully I can get some flats out monday or tuesday. The head has just been a little frustrating


CT :lightning


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Nah, don't worry about it PIo Koon. I'm not really experenced when it comes to mapping. I can do it well, except for very complex meshes (the head) I have everything but that section (and the belt, but I think I got that now) finished so it shouldnt take me too long.


I'm gonna catch some quick zzz's and see what I can come up with :)


CT :lightning


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pic of trebor?....


read the thread ull find pics ;)


and start on what?







To the community of Jedi Knight 2


im really sorry this is taking so long guys...we should hopefully be done soon and a download soon..once again sorry that ive been making u guys wait so long

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y didn't u ask instead of telling me to get some?


but even if i had pics of it u wouldn't want to model it


Trebor has a generic saber...very boring and dull =O\


thats why i turned my dragons claw saber into Trebors NEW Saber =OP

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ty Elmo


well it seems toonces cant map Trebor...so now we don't have a mapper...but


Musashi said hes learned more about mapping and stuff so im hoping he can map him right this time and fairly quickly


so he should be mapped soon but im not really sure

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