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Editing Force Powers


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How would I go about Editing Force powers?

I am very newbie to Codeing I just got Compiler last nigh

made my first Program.. actualy Just a Console Message thing.. but it was cool..


But how would I go and Edit force powers and all that..

were in the Source code are the Force powers or are they somewere else..


Id like to make something Like Throwing Fireballs or something

Like Mortal Kombat was cool..


Any help is welcome

I am allergic to Flames I will break out and swell up and pop



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Originally posted by Monder

Learn c WELL. Spend a lot of time(ie a year) getting good then come back to the sdk. If yoy know practically no c you'll get nowhere


Well didn't know anything about C coding before i started to

play with these JK2 files...


(And i am not so sure that i understand it now..)


But i have succeed to do something :)




I don't know how simple those thing what i have

made are but...


-I have modified that saber trail... (simply made it look better..)


-Added new saber colors...


-Changed weapons damage, fire rate, projectile velocity...


-I made E11 primary to be same as secondary... (added

dispersion, ...)


-I made Bryar secondary fire to be same as primary (removed

charging, ...) and added small dispersion to both


-Removed charging from bowcasters primary (now only single proj...)


-Added charging to bowcasters secondary (controls: damage,

velocity and bounce count)


-Jedi/Sith bots are no longer intrested of guns...



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When you run the bat files they change your .c files into a qvm, and C++ code has more depth than C code, so it's easier to make a qvm from C code rather than C++ code (because of the difference in depth - like in C++ you have classes, stacks, the keywords private and public, etc.)

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Yeah it converts all the .obj files into a qvm. The .obj are just plain asm(well kinda) All the class stuff wouldn't make converting this .obj stuff into a qvm harder becuase asm is at a lower level than the c++ code. So the classes don't make it harder to convert the .obj's into qvm's. I don't actually know how qvm's work so I could be wrong.

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