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whats the best dismemberment patch?


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I dont know what version u guys are using, bit i get a freakin error message when i change the seat g_dismember to 300!!! I have v1.02 Are u guys using 1.03? If so, that would explain it. Maybe. thanks for he help though.




:mace: "This party's over."

-Mace Windu AOTC

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Originally posted by IAmKitFisto

I dont know what version u guys are using, bit i get a freakin error message when i change the seat g_dismember to 300!!! I have v1.02 Are u guys using 1.03? If so, that would explain it. Maybe. thanks for he help though.

You nailed it. This error message (something with "Oppstack") is 1.02 only. I think they released some sort of server fix for that even before 1.03 came out. The easiest way would be to go with 1.03 IMO. If you like the changes that came with the patch, that is... :rolleyess: ;)
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Originally posted by IAmKitFisto

does anyone know of an ENGLISH SITE for a blood patch and update?

Sorry, I haven't. But I can be of assistance with the German patch if you like. It is rather easy, only one exe-file to execute and then you have two .bat files to turn blood on or off. That's pretty much it. As for the update: if you mean the 1.03 update, you can get it pretty much everywhere, e.g. jediknightii.net.
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wow, I just got the latest version of pcgamer and there is a little section dedicated to JKII. It says that the game is alot funner with saber realism turned on all the way and it has a screenshot of kyle decapping a stormy. So it looks like we're not the only gamers wanting full realism :D :D

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Back to the saber heat:


Not according to Star Wars.com, but here: http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/jks/saber/general.html


The lightsaber actually gives off no heat. It actually excited molecules that it comes into contact with, causing them to move, thereby creating heat. For example, the blast door ir Episode I was actually melting itself...


Sorry to change the subject.

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What is the source of the info on that web page, how do we know it's cannon or not. So far we've seen cauterized wounds and not cauterized wounds. Anikins disarming by dooku showed no blood even after he woke up from his knock out, neither did lukes disarming in ESB, but in TPM with maul, yes we saw blood, and with the goons obi wan killed in the cantina, so I think it's just that wounds to get cauterized from lightsaber slashes, but as they fall to the floor, like a water balloon, they might break and leak, that would explane ponda boba in ANH. :cool:

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A wound can be cauterized and still you can see a little blood. It's like when you fry a steak in a pan, all the juice and the blood is supposed to stay inside the meat to make it more tasty. And it does. However, a little bit of juice still gets outside. It's more like a 99% issue.


The wounds generally cauterize but occasionally you see some blood. Like when Maul died, that was a huge wound, cut his whole torso in two. This wound did not couterize quick enough so we saw some blood. Anakin's arm cut off: that's a rather small place where blood could come out, this rather small wound was cauterized so quickly that there was no blood.


And yes, the blood patch is unrealistic, because every hit causes a splash of blood, not only the kills but also the normal 20 damage hits. This doesn't look starwars-ish.

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