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I just wanted to swing by and say goodbye. You can all stop emailing me now ;) I'm all done with skinning for JK2. I'm moving on to other projects (NWN). This community was really great, and I had lots of fun doing the Fett's, Tyrion etc. You guys were always very supportive of our work (most of you anyway) and I wish you the best of luck. (i've already run into a couple of you on the NWN boards ;) )




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well i could have seen u one the nvm boards cept bioware lied when they put the recemended requierments on there box, turns out u need twice that to run the game smoothly (tech support told me that, aren't they bright lets give them around of applause *CLAP CLAP CLAP*) anyway goind to miss u i'll be around jkii for a while yet since its runs on my comp decnly wat a waste of money

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