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Darth Crackhead model....


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Yeah sure Septic, and hey while you're being a neanderthal and enforcing racial stereotypes, I've got another project that a narrowminded A$$ like yourself can work on. It's called DARTH COON!


You'll love this. He is a Jedi knight that has fallen to the. . .DARK SIDE. You get it Septic? Hey he fit's right in doesn't he. Septic? Yeah, he also talks ebonics and jive, and also, he has a sociopathic lust for WHITE women, especially those Highlander girls. . .oh yeah. and here is the best part Septic. He doesn't use a lightsaber, oh no. DARTH COON uses his big exaggerated lips. Just swallows up all of his enemies. Then Septic, he dances a little victory jig just like when he was back on the plantation. Of course he cannot exult in victory too much, because then the "massah" will take him out to the woodshed.


Just in case you are not sure what a COON looks like Septic, here is a reference pic. I want to be as helpful as I can :





:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



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Hey now, better settle down now. If you don't like the subject matter, that's fine, just don't get into a heated argument. Give constructive criticism and/or comments.


That being said, the clothing looks a bit too flat, even for photo sourcing, add some better shadows to differentiate the layers in the clothing.

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Originally posted by kman@polycount

Hey now, better settle down now. If you don't like the subject matter, that's fine, just don't get into a heated argument. Give constructive criticism and/or comments.


That being said, the clothing looks a bit too flat, even for photo sourcing, add some better shadows to differentiate the layers in the clothing.


Well excuse me if I seem a little pi**ed, and no, I am not black. But, am I the only one who sees a problem here?



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Originally posted by Sith Inquisitor

Yeah sure Septic, and hey while you're being a neanderthal and enforcing racial stereotypes, I've got another project that a narrowminded A$$ like yourself can work on. It's called DARTH COON!


You'll love this. He is a Jedi knight that has fallen to the. . .DARK SIDE. You get it Septic? Hey he fit's right in doesn't he. Septic? Yeah, he also talks ebonics and jive, and also, he has a sociopathic lust for WHITE women, especially those Highlander girls. . .oh yeah. and here is the best part Septic. He doesn't use a lightsaber, oh no. DARTH COON uses his big exaggerated lips. Just swallows up all of his enemies. Then Septic, he dances a little victory jig just like when he was back on the plantation. Of course he cannot exult in victory too much, because then the "massah" will take him out to the woodshed.


Just in case you are not sure what a COON looks like Septic, here is a reference pic. I want to be as helpful as I can :





:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:





Well. . .i'm not the kind of person to say "i told you so. . .". but. . .


I'm just curious. Did Septic Child really think that he was not going to get a reaction from this?:rolleyes:


Or maybe that's what he was hoping for.


In any case, I get the feeling that this thread is going to become the Hindenburg.:D

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It may be best if you change his name and try to pawn him off at a Soldier of Fortune site the way he is instead. Racial bigotry was a primary feature of the original game, but missing from it's sequel. You may get a better responce, most fans of Star Wars are considered more enlightened, and above this type of activity.


That said, the quality of your texturing is amazing, perhaps you should reject the dark side and use your obvious talent for good.

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Christ, it was meant to be a bit of fun. You guys are way to sensitive. I only called him crackhead as stupid afterthought (he was originally called Badass). Gotta say I'm surprised at anyone getting angry about it, but still, nothins more fun than annoying uptight liberals.

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Originally posted by D.L.

Great skin.


If it was a white stereotype, you wouldn't give a ****. Lighten up. Jeez!


Maybe you could edit the skin to Mr. T as well. Or is that offensive as well!?


Yeah, actually it started out as Mr T, but the painted on mohawk looked a bit crap, and I liked the idea of a huge fro (kinda like Tiger in Tekken- that deeply controversial racially stereotyped beat em character).

Spose I could still skin it as Mr T. Maybe.

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Originally posted by D.L.

Great skin.


If it was a white stereotype, you wouldn't give a ****. Lighten up. Jeez!


Maybe you could edit the skin to Mr. T as well. Or is that offensive as well!?


Are you so sure, D.L.?;)


No, Mr.T. would not be offensive. Obviously it is not the model that is necessarily insulting, it is the label coupled with the image. You shouldn't have to have this explained to you.:D

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Ah, Mr.T. would be quite acceptable. He was a role model to hundreds of kids (including me) back in the mid- '80's. Few would be more worthy of becoming a Jedi.


"I pity the fool who crosses over to the darkside, I pity the fool"

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Jesus Christ, who gives a sh!t, its an awesome mod/skin, and I personally think its hilarious.


Just because he's called "Darth Crackhead" doesn't mean all Black people are crackheads, he could be a skinny white guy with a heroin syringe stuck in his arm, and you guys probably wouldn't care. but just because he's black YOU singled him out as someone different.


It's not rascism, crackheads can be anyone of any race, colour or skin. Seperating him out because he is black is just contributing to rascism, not helping stop it.


Anyway, awesome skin, and I'd love to try out the model when (or if) its released.


Reminds me of Mr T. hehehe


I pity the foo who doesn't use the force!

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Sub Woofer, someone made that comment before, and I have to disagree. From my perspective, stereotypes are insulting, no matter what ethnicity or religion they target.


Now, if black people are more sensitive to how they are represented it's because they have been portrayed incorrectly and degradingly in the media for years. Now to some people the Darth Crackhead may be just good natured fun, but to some people it is not, because it is stigmas like that, that black people have been trying to shed for years.


All you have to do is look at the history of media, not just American media, to understand what I am saying.


People are too quick to say, "Why don't they let it rest?" They say the same things to Jews about the Holocaust. "Stop being so sensitive". I'm afraid it's not that easy.

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