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SP Mods


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SP Mods are makeable if anyone really wants to make one. All you have to do is mess around with the G_CreateExampleAnimEnt function and the other functions associated with it. You could create your own scripting system or copy the games current one. I have it so I can spawn enemies, teammates, and guys that sit around and kill all npcs but are friendly to players. It would take a lot of work though, but its definately doable.


Oh and as for having two sabers at once... I got it so I moved the saber to the other hand but it was invisible. If I can move which hand it is in then that probably means I can have two.

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Um, that command creates an entity. You can make storm troopers that sound like rodians and have rocket launchers if you want. Just dont give it an invalid model name... it gets mad when you do that.


You could make a mp mod that played like single player. People are probably already doing it.

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Uuerraah, no...


G_CreateExampleAnimEnt npc_stormtrooper

G_CreateExampleAnimEnt npc_reborn

G_CreateExampleAnimEnt reborn

G_CreateExampleAnimEnt stormtrooper


None of them work... I must be missing something. Also, when I just type in the command, it doesn't give me any info about it...

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oh I forgot you have to edit the source a bit. search for "g2animent" where it checks to see if its a command. look above that a bit and you'll see it is commented out by a #ifdef DEBUG so just take out the #ifdef DEBUG and the corresponding #endif and it should work. I think some of the other commands in that #ifdef block cause errors when you compile so just take those ones out.

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oh and you type /g2animent to spawn an ent in multiplayer.

goes /g2animent number team(2 is goodguys) weapon(10 is rocket) modelpath (models/players/stormtrooper/model.glm) soundpath(sound/chars/stormtrooper/misc)

so like

/g2animent 3 1 4 models/players/stormtrooper/model.glm soundpath(sound/chars/stormtrooper/misc will make an enemy storm trooper with a blaster

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I didn't say it was, I said it had the potential to be. Whats the main difference between single player and multiplayer? stormtroopers! If you just make them smarter, give the players some goals to achieve, and do some other stuff then you have a single player mod... sortof.

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Emon, why don't you get a clue and leave the forum. Why do you post here anyway? You have nothing to contribute but being an annoying prick.


Tell you what why don't you send some emails to Raven and tell them what they can't do for their next game!

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Dest, firstly, i think all your work is great mate, dont let SOME detractors stop you from pushing on with your development.


Secondly, for someone like me that rarely plays any MP games due to the differences in saber combat and whatnot, I think a mission based multiplay game would be awesome, it would entice people like me to play with the MP style of saber combat a little more, and perhaps play some normal multi online also as a consequence.


Cheers Mate

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I do not see Emon's problems:


A SP Mod is a mod you can play allone ( SP eben ). It does not matter if it is done with an SP SDK or with an MP SDK.


You want SP style Saber combat. That's the only problem you have. So stop writing such a bull**** everey second post!





Edit: I am sorry for my **** but my vocabulary isn't vere big :D

Please try to read it as it is meant to: ähm, sorry I do find the right word :(

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Um, my point is that he was confusing by calling it an SP mod but it is NOT an SP mod. It's merely a way to spawn entities in MP, which is also useless without ICARUS (WLS is working on that I think).

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The topic title and Dest's first post were very misleading, I dont think you can jump on Emon for pointing that out.


SP Mods are makeable if anyone really wants to make one.

I meen Geeze look at that first sentance!


'SP gameplay in multiplayer' would have been a MUCH less confusing title.


Dest said "I didn't say it was (a SP mod)" but the topic and first posts

suggested it was and NOWERE until his third post on the subject that

Emon managed to pin him down on that issue.


All you idiots who went around saying emon was being a prick obviously

had no clue what he was actualy saying.


Dest: "You can make singleplayer mods!"

Emon:"...no you cant"

Dest:"yes you can...do this:"

Emon:"No, no, no... we dont have the source."

Dest: "I never said it was actualy for singleplayer."

Emon:"Then it isnt realy a SP mod is it?"

NickR/Jaii der Herr: "Emon dont be a prick! leave the forums if you'r never gona be nicel!"


Does anyone ealse see the obsurdity here?

Dest is guilty of nothing more than incredibaly obscure writing,

Emon of nothing more than pointing that out, rather politely at that.

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Originally posted by Joben

NickR/Jaii der Herr: "Emon dont be a prick! leave the forums if you'r never gona be nicel!"


I never said that or even does not want to say it. But if it sounds like this I'll say sorry (Oh, perhaps it should sound like this ( a little notise by an logical thinking coder whith many recursive thoughts wich never could be told exactly to someone else...) (muss nicht verstanden werden :D )).




Could it be that you and exspecialy Emon do not know very much about coding?

For me as a coder it is very anoying reading evry second post something from someone telling me you can't do it. And I know, as Dest said: "SP Mods are makeable if anyone really wants to make one." it is possible. Even without SP source!


I hope you can understand me now.

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I know quite a bit about coding, I did tons of it for JK.


My point is that it's NOT an SP mod unless you have the SP SOURCE CODE, which we DON'T. It's a pain in the ass to make a mod of MP to make it like SP (like the co-op mod WLS is doing) and making your level for MP using MP entities, MP Force, MP sabers, MP weapons, etc.


Sure, you could remake the entire SP game using the MP code to every detail and then you can make your "SP mods". But that's STILL not an SP mod. Some people just wanna alter the function of the E-11 or the Repeater for SP, they don't want to make an entire MP recode or something just so they can make their mod!

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